Introducing’s Stock of the Week

We love offering complimentary tools and services to’s visitors. From our Top Stocks List to our Daily Analysis and Commentary, we know that giving our visitors useful content will help build our relationship with them and show our value in their day-to-day lives.'s Stock of the Week

Starting this month, we’ve teamed up with analyst, Daniel Cross, to offer visitors a free weekly stock pick newsletter. Subscribers can join this list to receive a hand-picked stock that we release every Tuesday at 7 am (ET). This pick is backed by Cross’s solid research and analysis.

We are not currently offering sponsor messaging within the body of this newsletter. However, this may change depending on the list’s growth and advertiser interest.

We are fortunate to have a network of knowledgeable and talented people with whom we can create awesome tools and complimentary resources for our visitors.

We want to welcome Daniel Cross to the family as an independent analyst. Check out’s Stock of the Week.


Lindsay Bittinger, Inc.