In today's poll we ask, "Would you wear a computer?"
On Thursday, Samsung announced its new Galaxy Gear smartwatch which is expected to land in the US in early October. It also seems like Google, has been pushing "Google Glass" forever. Sony, Samsung and others are all betting in the smartwatch space and it has everyone asking, "When will Apple announce its own smartwatch?" That could come as early as next week, as Apple has a special event planned on September 10th to announce its new iPhone.
So today we ask, "Would you wear a computer?"
Your vote, comment or feedback is always welcome on the blog. Looks like an interesting future in computing.

Thanks for your vote and have a great day.
Funny you would mention the fact that wearing a smart watch means you don't have to pull your phone out of your pocket. My comment was going to be that anyone carrying around a "smartphone" is already wearing a computer. I have worked with computers and their near relatives for over half a century. My iPhone has more computing power than computers I worked on in "the early days" that filled most of a very large room.
You are on the money-smaller, faster,less expensive and more computing power. I thik it is called Moore's law . The law is named after Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore, who described the trend in his 1965 paper.
Gary, Thanks for your input and comment.
If it would make me money, Yes!
JP, Thanks for your feedback. A smartwatch can potentially make you money as it can send Stock Alerts to your wrist. I know because that is what it does for me.
Have a great weekend,
aware of possible side effects from shallow studies not yet touching on the range of issues addressing health concerns of maintaining such a present so close to the body for such an extended period of time. but it would undoubtedly be the most convenient mode with which to travel.
That is a very good point you make. The smart Phone business is so big now that I would doubt that if they did find health problems associated with smart phones, the general public would ignore them for the convenience factor.
I always try and use the speaker phone on my iPhone as I am just not comfortable having a tech instrument that close to my brain and receiving a low frequency wireless signal.
I believe in the motto that there is no free lunch.
All the best,
Adam, Inc.
I'm sure I'm behind the curve to some degree, but I really can't imagine , unless the functionality metric expectation is already understood to be very low, why I would want to go back to looking at something that is way smaller(read: tiny) in comparision to what my mobile device(read: smartphone) already is and is too big for my wrist as a "watch" form factor. There is always the group that feeds on any latest tech gimmick regardless of how sustainable the platform is -in reality, but that is a very small % of users, I think. I'm not sure if I've got a true grip on the developmental costs to get these things to market(think: writedown if it fails), but if it's high and/or the expectation for some huge success of this type of product is too high, then that premium could be rapidly pulled back out of the stock this case: AAPL (since Samsung is difficult to purchase for the retail shareholder)
I would be more warm to the Google Glass product, but not enough to rush out and buy it until it, too, has room to run or stumble.
Thanks for your insightful comment. Personally I do wear a smartwatch. It's called the Pebble and I really like it. I also wear glasses (see picture), but I am not sold on the Google's glasses concept.
Have a great weekend,
Adam, Inc.
Believe the Samsung, and Apple Smart Watch is inevitable, together with the ability make secure purchases with a smart watch Iphone.
Yes I would wear a smart Watch computre on my Wrist.
I have one of the earlier smart watches from Pebble. I wear it every day and love it. It become part of your routine.I am looking forward to seeing what Jony Ive the chief industrial desined for Apple has up his sleeve.
Thanks for your comment.
President of
Too big and bulky, looks like a kid's watch...
Big and bulky is all the rage in the mens watch arena right now, I can easily how this watch will fit right in with the current style. Watches are getting bigger and bigger each season, esp with the younger crowd. Some of them are downright huge!
I'd like my watch to be so massive that I can use it as my dinner plate. lol
It would have to be that big for web surfing or viewing videos!
I might consider wearing a smart watch in the future, but I would be hesitant. As a society, we are so overwhelmed with technology and I don't know how I feel about it being attached to my body while also being surrounded by it. For me, it might be just too much.
I agree Renee, I think that having that having a smartwatch on along with my phone may be too much. I already feel too connected at times with my phone, lol.
Thanks for the comment,
I have to admit that I do wear a smart watch and have been wearing one for the past eight or nine months. I find it very useful, as I don't have to pull my phone out of my pocket every time I get a text, email or phone call. The watch I wear is called a Pebble and it was a Kickstarter project. The watch costs about $150 and I think it's great value. You can learn more about the Pebble smartwatch right here.
All the best and thanks for the feedback.
Here's to smart computing.