Why You Should Stay Away From REIT ETF's For Just A Little Longer

Matt Thalman - INO.com Contributor - ETFs

Last week the Federal Reserve once again announced they would not be raising interest rates. To many on Wall Street this was good news; cheap money would continue to be available, thus making it more affordable to borrow money to grow business's and spur economic activity.

But there is a downside to continued low interest rates which comes in the form of uncertainty about when rates will increase and how those increases will affect economic activity and mainly businesses that are directly affected by interest rates. When we look at who is most affected by rising rates, the finance sector is of course first to come to mind; banks and other lenders, but also the real-estate industry.

Whether it be individuals or businesses buying and selling homes or property rising interest means the overall cost of buying and owning that property increases, because of the higher interest rate the borrow will have to pay. Continue reading "Why You Should Stay Away From REIT ETF's For Just A Little Longer"