Applying Breakthrough Trading Tools

These simple probability studies can help you dramatically increase your trading profits.

Do you want to get back to the basics without reverting back to outdated techniques? In this fast-moving video, trading techniques that employ the four basics of trading - trend, momentum, patterns and stops - reformulated and updated using higher mathematics.

Building on her experience as a successful engineer, corporate trader and risk manager, Cynthia Kase shows you how to take advantage of some cutting-edge tools and technology to broaden your knowledge of the marketplace, diminish your risk of loss and take your trading to a whole new level of success. If you're looking for state-of-the art trading techniques that can increase your profits and diminish your risk, this video is for you!

WATCH NOW: Applying Breakthrough Trading Tools

The INOTV Team

An Invaluable Trading Tool That I Learned 30 Years Ago

Hello traders everywhere, Adam Hewison here, coming to you from the digital studios of MarketClub. Today I want to share with you a trading tool that I learned a long time ago when I was member of the exchange and trading in the pits of Chicago.

It was there amongst all the hustle and bustle, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the most successful traders in the world, that I learned one of the most important tools in trading. I have never forgotten this tool and in fact, I still use this tool everyday when I'm researching a potential trade.

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As computers get more and more sophisticated and are able to spit out trading algorithms faster than you can blink an eye, this simple tool continues to stand alone as a universal market truth. Little did I realize that this simple tool would prove to be so valuable.

So let's get started with this same tool that I have been using now for the past 30 years. I will also share with you one of the core secrets that most traders miss when they use this powerful trading tool.

It's a short lesson that visually illustrates when and how you should use this successful trading tool.

Every success and thanks for watching the video.

Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub