Traders Whiteboard Lesson 6

In today's trading lesson, the sixth in the "TRADERS WHITEBOARD" series, we will be looking at what I call the "irrefutable laws of the marketplace." I consider this lesson to be one of the most important, as it effects all markets.

We only have to look at the recent history of Apple or Netflix to see how these "irrefutable laws" work in the marketplace. After watching this video, you will understand how sentiment can dramatically change in an instant and come away with a greater understanding of why Apple and Netflix had such dramatic moves.

This is the essence of how all the markets move and important for you to learn, so you will know what to do next time.

Watch Traders Whiteboard Lesson 6 Here.

Enjoy today's lesson,

Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 5

Every trader needs one. Do you know what it is?

Many times it can mean the difference between success and failure in the market.

This simple concept is probably the easiest to understand, but one of the hardest to follow. I think you'll quickly grasp what I mean by that statement when you watch today's Traders Whiteboard Lesson 5..

Incorporating this one key element into your own trading can make you even more successful in your investments.

Adam Hewison
Founder and President of and Co-Founder of

Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 3

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 3.

In today's lesson, I will share with you three important components of the market that are essential to be familiar with. I will also share with you several of my favorite technical tools that helped me become successful in all three types of markets.

For some, this may seem like a very basic lesson, but for me it goes to the very heart of every market. This lesson will help you create the building blocks you need to build a strong and solid trading foundation for your future.

Today's video is a little over five minutes in length. My goal is that you find this lesson helpful, informative, and above all educational.

Watch Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 3 here.

Every success in trading,

Adam Hewison
Co-founder of MarketClub

Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 1

Throughout my years of trading experience, I have found that most traders are looking for something simple and easy to understand. In today's Traders WhiteBoard lesson, I want to share with you a very simple trading tool that is overlooked by most traders.

In fact, it was this particular tool that alerted us to the recent big move in the metals markets.

Don't be surprised with the simplicity of this tool, its simplicity is the secret to its success in all markets.

We'd like to ask for a few minutes of your time to watch this short video. I think you will be surprised at just how simple this approach is, and yet how powerful it can be in the market. I will show you several real world examples and explain how to use this tool successfully.

Enjoy the video! I hope it helps you in your trading and your success in the markets.

Adam Hewison
Founder and President of and co-founder of

Seven market lessons guaranteed to improve your trading...

I created "TRADERS WHITEBOARD" to help traders understand and benefit from my years of real world trading experience both in the pits of Chicago, and from Geneva, Switzerland. In every Traders Whiteboard video, I explain in detail how to use many of the same trading tools that are in use today by some of the world's top hedge fund traders.

Please enjoy with my compliments,
Adam Hewison
President of

Traders WhiteBoard

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7

Look for more educational Traders Whiteboard Lessons in the near future

If you enjoyed this educational series, be sure to check out our next free video series titled, "90 Second Trading." In this series, we cover trading in stocks, futures, forex, crude oil and gold.