MarketClub Members Caught Another Huge Amazon Move

Dear Members & Guests,

This past year has been great for MarketClub traders that have been following Amazon. Our Trade the Triangles have been very accurate, putting a pretty penny in your pocket! The big gain this week was nothing new, and if you were following the triangles you would have been in to make the move.

Wishing You The Best of Luck,

PS- Check out below... not new news for members, but big news for guests

How would we have done?

There are going to be skeptics everywhere. They will try to say that we manipulated results, showed only time frames of the charts that were in our favor, changed the techniques to fit the trend. Well, today I was reading the Wall Street Journal and I came across an article on Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN). I pulled up our Trade Triangles on Amazon and noticed that our monthly/weekly filtering technique for our Trade Triangles was amazing for this year. However, how have we done since we began tracking Amazon.

Ok skeptics, here goes... I am not factoring in stops. I am using our suggesting filtering technique (monthly for trending [possible initial entry] and weekly for timing). When I say out point (this is not getting stopped out, this is saying that we are getting out because either a monthly or weekly trend has changed).

Here Goes!

14 Wins Totaling= $82.32 12 Losses Totaling = $-20.92
In 26 Trades we would be up $61.4/share

Check Out Our ... "Earning Surprises Video" to see how the Triangles have caught many more big moves

If you not a member, take the 30-day money back guarantee to look at the previous trade triangles for your favorite market.

2 thoughts on “MarketClub Members Caught Another Huge Amazon Move

  1. The minus sign in front of your wins(gains) of -$82.32 is confusing. I don't think you intended for it to appear negative,did you? thnx kbs

    Sorry Kristen,

    Thanks for mentioning something. Your right that is not a minus, it's a BIG OLE' PLUS! Thanks for reading, greatly appreciated.


  2. Lindsay, I think the results speak for themselves!!!! I've been following the blog/INO for quite some time and I think this weekend, I'm going to sit down and plug my symbols into MarketClub and see how well it REALLY works. Best, Aubree

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