Getting ahead with your trading in 2009

Dear trader and blog reader,

One of the things I have always enjoyed is sharing what I know with others. I have to thank my parents for teaching me the joy of sharing.

So it is in their memory, that I am excited to share with you, what I hope will be an informative, interesting and helpful series of trade lessons that I named ... Traders Whiteboard.

Experience the Traders Whiteboard for yourself and receive a comprehensive  knowledge of everything you need to know to become a successful trader.

In every Traders Whiteboard video I explain in detail how to use many of the same trading tools that are in use today by some of the worlds most successful traders.

You are probably wondering what's this all going to cost? The truth is, the service is free, and there are no catches. You can credit my parents for that.

There's no registration required to experience the Traders Whiteboard videos.

Your journey towards greater trading knowledge in 2009 begins right here.

Adam Hewison,

About Adam Hewison
Adam Hewison is a former floor trader and past member of several major exchanges, including the International Monetary Market (IMM) a division of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in Chicago, Index and Options Market(IOM) Chicago, New York Futures Exchange (NYFE) and The London Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE). Adam is the author of "Right on the Money, The Definitive Guide to Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates" and numerous other financial ebooks and web videos. His latest project with partner Dave Maher is INO TV. This newly created service is dedicated to educating traders through streaming video seminars.

3 thoughts on “Getting ahead with your trading in 2009

  1. I'm posting this anonymously because I hate saying anything negative about the service. However, as a long time reader / customer, I am getting tired of receiving mails about new blog posts only to find out it's for a really old video. If the content isn't new, it's really a waste of time for me to click the link and wait for the video to buffer only to find out I've already seen it several times.

    As a great customer experience you should track whom you've sent these posts out to before and leave us out of it


    We appreciate your feedback,
    I think it's a very valid point you have. The problem is we have several videos that we called Evergreen videos and these videos are timeless in teaching nw users of our blog. I am not sure technically if it is possible not to alert you to a new blog posting. As we have new users coming every day to our blog it is very hard to wrangle out some videos that we have shown before.

    Once again thank you for your feedback and please continue to use our blog.

  2. Thanks Adam, this is a very helpful video, it explains key trading concepts in very easy to understand concepts. I am sure a lot of traders will want to use this trendline approach.

  3. este año 2008 me senti realmente gartificado por todo la data que me enviaron me sirvio para tener mas conocimiento del mercado y operar mejor con las propuestas y comentarios a las organizaciones cafetaleras de mi pais.
    les agradezco de mil maneras estar dentro de sus traders.
    Gracias Market Club

    *This is my best attempt to translate for our English speaking visitors. I can not guarantee that these translations are accurate.

    This year, in 2008, I felt very grateful for all the information that was sent to me. I used this knowledge of the market to better operate trading coffee in my country with the suggestions and comments of the organization. I greatly appreciate in any case to be apart of your trades.

    Thanks MarketClub


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