Making Money In The Dollar Yen Cross (New Video)

We are finally seeing some life come back into the dollar/yen (usd/jpy) relationship.

I have to admit, I love trading Forex. It's one of the most exciting and most profitable markets in the world.

In today's short seven minute educational video, I explain step-by-step how to analyze the dollar and its relationship to the Yen. I will also show you exactly what I think is happening right now in this relationship. Watch the video and see specific target zones where I think this cross is headed in the next several months.

The video is educational and to the point. Watch it with our compliments. You do not have to register to watch the video.

I am hoping that you pick up some trading tips from my new video. If you have time, let us know what you think on our blog.

Every success in the markets,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

8 thoughts on “Making Money In The Dollar Yen Cross (New Video)

  1. Hi Adams i am a young graduate (Bsc international econonmics),and i am so much fun to beocme a stock broker.but the problem at hand is that i need a mentor like you to guide me through,and also considering the fact that my country is underdevelopped with a baby stock market(Douala stock market),your information will be very vital to me.


  2. I cannot view your video on the dollar/yen cross. the clip only loads to 4%. Any idea as to what the problem might be?

    1. Jim,

      Thank you for your feedback. I think the problem may be on your end. Everything is working on our end and you're the first person we have had contact us with this problem.

      Give it another try, and give it some time.

      Best of luck,

  3. Adam-Thanks for the video on forex. I have been looking at this market but have no experience with trading it. I have heard that it is not good for smaller investors because it is difficult to get good executions & commissions are very high. Do you think this is a correct assessment?
    The other question I have with regard to forex has to do with the amount of capital one should have to stay in the game. i.e. 20 or $30000 or more?? I have seen Russell Sands seminar on the tv section here & he is into forex in a big way & his track record looks good. Would one be better off to let him do it for one's account?? I would appreciate your thoughts on these questions. Thank you.


    1. Barry,

      Thank you for your feedback. If you are trading with 20 or $30,000 you should be able to trade forex and trade it profitably. What I suggested doing it is taking a look at our Trade Triangle technology and its timing in the Forex markets.

      Our goal at MarketClub is to empower the individual investor to make his own decisions based on sound scientific, market proven strategies.

      The Forex markets have provided some remarkable profits over the last 30 or so years since they have been actively traded here in the United States. I expect that this phenomenon will continue as Forex markets tend to reflect the ambitions or lack of ambitions of governments.

      Every success.

  4. I have never traded currencies but would like to follow the move. Can I use the FXY and if I can how close does it correlate to the yen/dollar?

    1. artrader,

      Thank you for your feedback. I'm not a big fan of some of the ETF's and how they track the underlying assets. Sometimes there's a total disconnect and I feel like does a huge injustice to the investor.

      Trading either in the spot market with the FX broker or in the futures market with a futures contract is the best way to really trade Forex. Why trade and FXY when you could trade the yen/dollar relationship directly?


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