Saturday Success Story - Raymond, Connecticut

At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.

Here's great news from a member...

"I think MarketClub is a wonderful and powerful site. I love the trading tools you provide, the charting scans and all the rest, but my favorite is the MarketClub analysis I get everyday.

In my list is all the stocks I am holding positions on and those that I have researched. Each morning I take that list and transfer those that are a +100, +90, -100 and -90. I retain the sheets for reference and use that information to see what is working now and what is failing to work. It has been a very successful way of deciding what to buy and when to buy it.

I also print out the actual list each day to save with my hand penned sheets...this allows me to go back and track the progress of a stock over time and reference it to the chart.

When I see a stock staying on the list I will start watching it using the Trade Triangles, Fibonacci, etc. It has proven to be quite successful." ~ Raymond M., Connecticut

To send your own success story, please email bl**@in*.com. We wish all of our members the best and we look forward to hearing your success story.

11 thoughts on “Saturday Success Story - Raymond, Connecticut

  1. Raymond, I agree with your observation; I have a similar process. If I had the time I would chart the daily or at least the weekly ratings of each of my stocks on a spread sheet. I want to find the ones that are changing direction and/or progressing in either direction.

    Perhaps with some prodding Adam and his crew can find a way to add this comparison to the analysis report.

  2. Hello Adam,

    I would like to ask, can you please set up a video to let us know exactly how to use your ratings...example..+100..+90...- 50, -75.. whatever.

    I am not sure if I should buy...sell..just watch??


    1. Hi Curt,

      I believe that Ray is referring to the transfer between his Chart Analysis nightly email to his actual brokerage (or paper trading) platform.

      A subscription to MarketClub includes a nightly email where we Chart Analyze all the symbols in your portfolio. This way you can go into the trading day with a good understand of that markets recent movement and trend direction.

      I have created a sample for you to look at below...

      Email Analysis from MarketClub

      If you have any questions about the nightly email please comment back, email at su*****@in*.com or call the support team at 1-800-538-7424.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

      1. My guess on the transfer question would be that Ray transfers the rating from the analysis sheet to his "hand penned" sheet so that he can keep a visual track of the changing rating numbers. This way he can tell which stocks are moving up, which are moving down and which are getting ready to change direction. This would be similar to a daily stock price chart but using the rating instead of the price.

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