Saturday Success Story - Shelton, Tennessee

At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.

Here's great news from a member...

"Thank you in advance for helping me to become the millionaire I always knew I could be.  Armed with MarketClub and your continued support, I am certain to be a smashing success.  I am so looking forward to the next 12 months.  (There's not many people saying that right now, is there!!)  I just finished watching "The Best Kept Market Secret In The World" for the third time today.  After viewing the video this morning, I opened a position with information from the intraday charts and things began to pop. 

You see, I am a beginning trader that has "played" in the markets for the past 10 years and have lost more that I care to mention.  I am a 48 year old father of two living (and stuck in) the middle class dream where there is always more month than there is money.  I have always believed that I could make money in the markets, but just recently made up my mind that it was going to happen.  I am a statistic of the job losses that are currently so widespread.  When I received my severance (I am one of the lucky ones who actually received a severance), I re-charged my stock account and committed to making it grow.  And the light bulbs are beginning to come on.  It's almost like magic.  Once my mind was where it needed to be, I began to see things more clearly. 

I am totally at the beginning of my journey, but already I see that I am beginning to round the corner.  My account balance is fairly low, but that will soon change.  I appreciate so much, your guidance and especially MarketClub as a whole for helping me to become the provider I always wanted to be. 

I will write you again soon to tell you of the successes MarketClub has helped me to achieve." ~ Shelton W., Tennesse

To send your own success story, please email bl**@in*.com. We wish all of our members the best and we look forward to hearing your success story.

12 thoughts on “Saturday Success Story - Shelton, Tennessee

  1. 85% of new traders have nothing left within 2 years of starting. That being said, some of the successful ones are extremely successful. I've met a few of them and found them to be the most intelligent and intuitive people I've met in my life. Plus, the fact they don't NEED the money completely eliminates emotion from all decisions they make. I worry about someone who has just lost his job and is relying on trading for income. Will he be willing to cut his losses when things go south or will he duck and hope? Cutting losses leads to riches...hoping leads to ruin.
    Market Club is a fantastic tool, but so's a hammer...and you can easily hurt yourself with a hammer!

  2. Hi Shelton
    Delighted to see that the trading market is a profitable event for you. I'd love to hear in more deltail as to how Market Club and its tools has contributed to you success?
    please write to me personally.
    many thanks

  3. I am confused. I thought he had become a millionaire from trading using market club methods. Seems like he is just getting started.

  4. Excellent attitude! I wish you the best and hope you keep us updated with your general progress. I am new here and just trying to absorb some more knowledge before the big plunge. I hope to hear more good news from you in the future – and likewise!

  5. Never be thankful of money you have NOT yet earned. There is nothing to be thankful for, you are still in the exact situation as before. Sorry.

    1. Bob,

      I think that confidence in your trading decisions is something to be thankful for, there's always a beginning.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  6. Lindsey,

    Good luck on your journey. As a newbie myself I just want to say "don't get caught up with all the other guru's out there that "say" you can "make 500 to a 1,000% on each trade by listening to their advice". With Market Club's tools you pick your own positions and "go with the trend"; or as my grandson says "go with the flow". The trend is much easier to define and watch with these tools.

  7. Good for you Shelton, I'm in the same boat with loseing my job and making Trading a full time gig. Best of luck to us both. I know luck may not be the right word but experience tells me "luck" has something to do with profit. and profit is the name of the game!!!
    Happy Days,,


    Using all the tried and true sales blurbs -

    "helping me to become the millionaire I always knew I could be"

    "a 48 year old father of two living (and stuck in) the middle class dream where there is always more month than there is money"

    "It’s almost like magic"


    " My account balance is fairly low, but that will soon change."


    Trading is hard work that is learned over years of grinding experience -
    There is no magic formula - you might glean snippets from buying packages/trading tools but that is all you'll get - Mark M,

    1. Mark,

      You are completely entitled to your own opinion. Let me say that you are right; there is no holy grail in trading. However, confidence is priceless. If you can feel more secure in the decision you make, then you gain both of peace of mind and the ability to keep your emotions out of trading - both of which are vital for a successful long term trader.

      Shelton may have not made his millions YET, but he is confident he is on his way and a good attitude can take you far.

      Call it what you will but I wish you the best in your future life and trading endeavors.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

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