Good Luck Stevenson High School's Economics Club

About a month ago we received a passionate email from an economics teacher at Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois. He informed us that he had created an economics club at his school to increase financial literacy and show students how technical analysis can interface with their financial future. His club also participates in "The Stock Market Game" (a program of the SIFMA) to compete with other schools, both locally and nationally. After a request to have a discounted MarketClub subscription rate for his students, we decided that MarketClub would go ahead and sponsor his 6 student groups and provide free memberships.

We were even more excited after researching this high school's impressive reputation in the academic community. This 'Blue Ribbon' school (as awarded by the US Department of Education), has been listed for the last three years in Newsweek, US News and World Report's list of America's best public high schools. This school boosts a 96.3% graduation rate, with 98% of those graduated students attending a 2 or 4 year college. How could you not have have great students, when you have teachers that reach out for the greater benefit of their students?

We would like to wish the 6 groups of Stevenson's economic club the best of luck as they participate in the stock game. We know that with the support of their teacher and with the added analytical tools of MarketClub, they will do great. We'll keep our Trader's Blog community abreast of this economic team's accomplishments.

Thanks for reaching out to us,

The MarketClub Team

7 thoughts on “Good Luck Stevenson High School's Economics Club

  1. It was my economics teacher in Junior High School "back in the day" who taught us how to read the newspaper's Stocks Page that piqued my interest... I hope what their teacher and MarketClub are doing will have the same impact on these students. KUDOS MARKETCLUB!

  2. Well I'm a subscriber and an enthusiastic investor but I do struggle with the fact that trading is often a zero sum game i.e. does not generate a sustainable surplus. It should be remembered that for investors to do their thing they must have something worthwhile to invest in. Someone's got to make stuff and they should be respected for it.

  3. Good on you Marketclub! The life experience these students are going to learn is very valuable for their financial futures. Should be taught in all high schools - you know you can't leave that to the general finance industry. Sure wasn't taught in my school...

  4. It is gratifying to learn that Market Club has a stong sense of community by supporting the efforts of high schoolers, our futute leaders. Keep up the good work.

  5. Finally something useful is being taught in our schools, wish I had a teacher in high school who cared this much. This is great and Marketclub should be applauded!!

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