Saturday Success Story - Ali, Quebec

At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.

Here's great news from a member...

"This is amazing!!! I love your videos. Tell you the truth, I've tried so many services and they all failed. Now I use your Trade Triangles religiously. The last trade I did was long the YG.J09.E. I made money, but I existed the position too soon! I got scared and closed the position early. Adam, like you said, we must have discipline and follow the rules!" ~ Ali S., Quebec

To send your own success story, please email bl**@in*.com. We wish all of our members the best and we look forward to hearing your success story.

12 thoughts on “Saturday Success Story - Ali, Quebec

  1. Having been an Investment Advisor since 1993, I have to agree with Lindsay that there is no "one magical tool" that can do everything one would need to always win in your trades and overal portfolio management. With the use of a variety of tools that work for your particular needs (such as MarketClub's), along with discipline and dash of good luck, you should do well. To the one comment above regarding rules..have a look at the following link and at the top you'll find what I think you're looking for, however there are lots of other information there as well.

    PS: Great job MarketClub - keep it up. I'm happy to be a client.

  2. I haven't seen any testimonials that say "I consistently make money month over month using trade triangles" or "I trade fulltime using trade triangles" or anything similar. Also, the testimonials with pictures seem extremely fake, who does that? I want to believe but don't want to waste $150 to find out.

    1. Kel,

      We have many testimonials which you can read on MarketClub's Testimonial page: Each member has a different approach when integrating MarketClub into their trading plan. Some use MarketClub to simply supplement their discount broker's platform research, some only use the Trade Triangles to time their trades, while others use the Trade Triangles in conjunction with another technical indicator that they may be experienced with.

      I understand that you don't want to waste $150 to find out... however with our 30 Day Risk Free Guarantee... you can request the refund of $150 within the first 30 days after sign-up.

      My suggestion is to access our help section <> first to learn as much as you can about the service and how to use it before you start the risk-free trial. This way, you can get the most out of the trial period. I truly don't believe that there is a program out there that will work for everyone... it's all about finding a service that increases your trading confidence and allows you to make decision based on solid analytics.

      Best of luck and I hope you find the service that is right for you.

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  3. I was checking out the smart scan strong dma300 service you provide and noticed a stock with a strong uptrend so i decided to jump on board. The stock is NLST and in a 2 day period the stock is up 165%. I initially thought most of the stocks in that category had already topped out but not true. You provide a great service. thanks

    1. Heidi
      I'm not sure at what point you went in to the trade, but i've just noticed that it's now trading around $6, I hope you bought loads lol.
      I'm very much a novice at this, i've never actually traded before, but, I think the reasonable cost, and general good feeling that I get about the website means that I'll purchase this once I have more knowledge.

  4. I was wondering, which rules Ali S. is referring to. Are they his own rules or are there rules that The Markekt Club suggests for trading?

  5. Ali:

    Today is my first day to stumble across MarketClub from surfing YouTube videos on trading and I'm pretty impressed with what I have seen so far. Rest easy, we are all guilty of making every mistake in the book. As your discipline tightens and you trade emotionless with rules it is almost like shooting ducks in a barrel. You must write your rules, and have a set of rules for both trading and inbesting.
    Good luck.

  6. Okay now, One good trade does not a trader make. A blind dog can sometimes find a bone. How about
    someone that has been very diligent for say about a year following the trade triangles.

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