Saturday Success Story - Dave, Tennessee

At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.

Here's great news from a member...

"I'm new to MarketClub. I sold DAL at a -100 signal to preserve a nice profit. I am mostly using the site thus far to learn about fibonacci lines, MACD, trading techniques, etc. So far I like what I see at MarketClub." ~ Dave C., Tennessee

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9 thoughts on “Saturday Success Story - Dave, Tennessee

  1. It seems to me that they are manipulating the index price by jsut changing the dow divider number anytime they want...
    Has it always been 7.56?



  2. Could someone explain to me how the Dow ended up by 203 points?

    I just added all the prices up for the day on the Dow 30 stocks and I only come up with a 27.85 point change.

    Is the market pulling a quick one on us?


  3. Adam,

    Could you please do an update on the S&P? Your'e honest insights are an invaluable asset in this climate.

    Best Regards,

    1. D. Paine,

      I'm sorry that something on the site is causing you confusion. I am more than happy to help. I believe that you are commenting on a site page other than this blog post. If so, please copy the URL into the comment field and I will do my best to assist you.

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

    1. Afshin,

      I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for. However I'm sure our Customer Service team will be able to help you find what you are looking for. I would recommend contacting them by emailing su*****@in*.com or by calling 1.800.538.7424.

      Have a good one,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  4. dear sir

    i am a intraday trader(in india with bse/nse) and losing money daily

    can you help me by giving a simple formula
    when to buy and when to sell a script

    i am calculating pivot point s1,s2,s3,r1,r2,r3 but how to use it
    in real time on the screen to make good profits.

    i cant see the chart as it is overcrowded before the screen

    Please help me


    bijan kumar mitra

    1. Bijan,

      After reviewing you need stated above, I believe that MarketClub's "Trade Triangles" would best serve your needs.

      I have included a link to the "Trade Triangle" page in our help section above. Please take a look over and if you would like to try these signals out, you can sign-up at to start the 30-day risk free trial, or you can call our Customer Service team at 1-800-538-7424 to get set-up.

      Best of luck,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

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