Saturday Success Story - Sham, India

At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.

Here's great news from a member...

"I am a new member having joined after the new charts came online. The information available is fantastic and easy to use, the learning curve is short and the customer service is commendable, informative and to the point.

The videos (the tutorials and the blog) are amongst the best I have come across.

I would recommend this site as suitable to both novice and professionals as it has something for everyone and is good value for money. Adam's trading videos gives the impression he is talking to each one individually.

Great job and well done, Adam." ~ Sham B., India

To send your own success story, please email bl**@in*.com. We wish all of our members the best and we look forward to hearing your success story.

6 thoughts on “Saturday Success Story - Sham, India

  1. i m from india, so not able to track my scrips. arrange for the same as early as possible.

  2. i assume Mr. Sham an nri (non resident indian). otherwise one cannot trade in futures and options in foreign markets.
    thats the reason many people like me just dont subscribe to market club services.

  3. Adam,

    I was wondering if your Trade Triangle technology works and is available for scrips in foreign markets. Basically, I'm from India, and I'd really like to know if there's someway to make it work for the equity markets here.
    Maybe as a solution to the same end, do you provide an option to make the charting work, by loading '.csv' or '.xls' files with end of day data?

    I've been following almost everything on your site for quite some time now, and I'm really looking forward to subscribing sometime soon.



    1. Hi Vinayak,

      While Adam is away I thought I would answer your question. Right now we are unable to analyze the Indian markets. This is something that may change in the future. As for using a technical trick to analyze on your own end, I'll have a chat with our technical director and see if he can give any tips. However, stay with us. We're always expanding our offerings and are glad to have you a an active member of our trading community.


      Lindsay Bittinger & MarketClub

  4. thanks for all commentaries..... every day I learn about market tendences.....

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