Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 2

In today's Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 2, I'm going to share with you two of my all time favorite chart setups.

I get so excited when I see these formations taking place in the markets. Both of these chart setups have been recurring for years and can take place in stocks, futures, metals, Forex, and yes even ETFs. The video runs a little bit longer than our first Traders WhiteBoard, but I am confident when you see the theory and the real world examples, you will agree it was well worth your time.

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Put the power of the Trade Triangles to work for you

Every success using these two setups,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

2 thoughts on “Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 2

  1. Could my Market Club software automatically draw these or find double-top and bottoms as you describe and layout a trading plan accordingly ?

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