Today we observe the 12th anniversary of 9/11, it is a somber day of reflection, as 12 years ago today America was attacked and the twin towers in New York were no more. Now 12 years later we think to ourselves, "Have things gotten any better in the Middle East?" The sad answer in this observer's mind is no.
Last evening, President Obama addressed the nation on most of the major news channels about Syria. I even received an email this morning from the White House explaining the situation in Syria.
Today's poll question is this: Is Putin now dictating American diplomacy in the Middle East?
Please feel free to add your comments and thoughts below. We will do our best to address each and every one of them.

Dear friends,it is all about natural gas conection by pipelines through Syria and Tartus port.End of petrodolars is approaching and with that sunset of US.All that military thread is an attempt to avoid it.Martin
Avery thing has its top and bottom,Russia has seen its bottom and regaining its strength. More over world will not follow America blindly as was the case in Iraq invasion. Actually america longtime alloy British voted against america on Syria and it gave a chance to Russia to intervene and show its muscles.
fire cannot be distinguished by fire, Let peace prosper.
Thanks for your feedback. I agree with your observations.
All the best,
Adam Hewison
This whole Syria thing reminds me of working in corporate America. Leaders react but don't lead. Kudos to Putin for stating the obvious. Nothing left to do now but our white house politicians to try to take credit for what their simple minds could not have come up with.
Thank you for your input into this poll. Judging by the numbers it looks as though America is following and not leading the world. Is it my imagination or has the Obama magic melted?
All the best,
Adam Hewison
It APPEARS that the U.S. President has deferred to Mr. Putin. Could be, but there are other factors that may have contributed to his backstepping. Either way, entering into a Syrian military conflict doesn't seem wise. As Forrest Gump would say, I paraphrase: "I may not be very smart, but I sure know stupid." All indications lead me to conclude that rushing in to bomb would be a very stupid move. Let's not be guilty of the same errors that we accuse others of; let's not make generalizations based on one example.
Putin made an offer to avoid starting another war. I think that his approach is far superior to a military strike against Syria. But we don't have to accept his offer. We can reject it if we want to continue Bush's endless war against terrorism.
It's absurd to say that he's dictating U.S. policy.
Paul Browning, Jr.
We sincerely appreciate your viewpoint and input to this poll.
Thanks again,
Adam Hewison
it's about time someone with a little common sense did something right over in the middle sure does beat all those elected officials wanting to murder more innocent people because they don't like the way prior innocent people were murder.maybe putum should run for president.but not to worry maybe McCain will baffle us with more stupid "bs" or Obama give us another one of his brilliant speeches to solve the problem. "god" help us all!
Not sure those two words common sense and the Middle East go together. 😉
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to contribute your view point and comments.
All the best,
Adam Hewison
Not Putin.
If you want to know who is holding Obama's strings, look to the security agencies, arms manufacturers, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.
That is an interesting point of view.
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to contribute your view point.
All the best,
Adam Hewison
I really do care who dictates our middle east policy as long as it keeps us (US) out of another stupid religious war that we cannot win, and waste precious Americans lives. If our foreign interests are not directly being threatened by these fanatics I say stay out of these unwinnable wars or conflicts.
Religious wars are crazy in my mind, it's like saying my God is better than your God so I can kill you. There are no winners in religious wars.
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to contribute your view point.
All the best,
Adam Hewison
Ooops. Since when does the USA have a monopoly on good ideas. Russia and Syria have a mutual self-interest and a historical relationship if not solely economic. If we can achieve our objective of eliminating the theta and impounding and subsequent destruction of chemical armament, what's the problem. "Trust but verify" seems fine to me. Freeze the capital of the oligarchs, deny electronic access to stock exchanges are some other options I prefer. A cyberwar intrusion would be nice as well
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to contribute your view point and comments.
We really appreciate you input to this poll.
Adam Hewison
try a peafull solution first we can alway distroy every one..we are on the brink of a third world war..if the leaders of each nation can not try to trust each other and talk things out for the benifits of every one concerded.if we don,t learn our lession and trust one another now we will all wish we had done it more killing,distruction,and cost of lives and hard feeling and money.MAY GOD HELP US......
Thanks, for your input. Unfortunately history is not on our side, since the beginning of time we have had wars, and I seriously doubt that will change. I hope this can blow over so that everyone can go on with their lives in a positive way.
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to contribute your view point and comments.
Adam Hewison
Obama is a 'Post Turtle'. When you are driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle on top, that's a 'Post Turtle'.
You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you just wonder what kind of dummy put him up there in the first place.
You are just so right-on; never heard such a great analogy of our current destroyer of capitalism and head of state.
I never heard that analogy before Paul, I def like and agree with it.
I would like to know-are all "Post turtles" male?
Mr Putin is NOT dictating American Diplomacy... poison gas is a universal law Obama is trying to correct that in a diplomatic manner and rightful so do we really want to create new born enemies? Hopefully their survival may produce a new generation of friends in the middle east. I understand it's their problem but it also is a human problem yes it is an American superpower global police problem and its more delicate than most understand. Would you like ur child to be gassed 20 yrs from now? because you did not prevent them to be gassed to death! Besides are you looking for another Bush to already crippled economy by "Bush" I am not. We cannot afford any more wars try honey not Vinegar for a change.
Putin may not be dictating US policy in the middle east but Obama's hoping to be the first US dictator.
Not sure many people in the U.S. would disagree with you at this point Albert.
What American diplomacy?
Only fools wants to get involved in a religious war.
How right you are Micheal. One of my favorite movies is Kingdom of Heaven and I've always thought that the last sentence in the ending title card for the movie summed up the conflicts in the middle east.
"Nearly a thousand years later, peace in the Kingdom of Heaven remains elusive."
Amen, look at Ireland
Putin is bringing "reason" to the Middle East. Not waiting for U.N. results on whether chemical were used is not reasonable.
He is trying to prevent possible world war through our President's arrogance, stupidity, and ego. The reason we are helping the Muslim Brotherhood, who has proclaimed that they will behead every Christian if they take power in Syria and have already killed countless christians and burned down over 90 Chrisitian churches in Syria, is because Qatar, our ally wanted a natural gas line tthrough Syria to supply Europe and Assad turned them down in 2003. He did make a contract with Rusia and Iran for that same pipe line in 2009 and it is now being built and the Arab nations, which Kerry says will fund a war if there is one - and they will but not fund it for love of us but because of their greed for that natural gas pipe line. It all comes down to money. Why should American boys die for Arab wealth?????
Maybe if we knew the source/provider of the sarin gas we could make a better decision. Will it just appear another day at another black swan event? It appears to be an effective tool to counter future threats.
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to contribute your view point and comments.
Adam Hewison
Someone has to.
Gassing your own people really is a blatant violation of common morality.
Unfortunately under law, it’s only a punishable crime if the United Nations says so, and Russia simply wasn’t going to let that happen. Because of this, if we were to start bombing the Assad government, we would’ve been guilty of an act of war.
Gassing your own people is of course a crime under international law. The problem is that Bashar Hafez al-Assad did not use gas on his own people. The US/Israeli backed Rebels have been using Sarin gas in the hopes of provoking war. The UN investigation team determined that it was in fact the Rebels that used the gas earlier in the year. And the Rebel leaders themselves came forward and were interviewed on film admitting that the previous attack was their fault. And frankly only the most jaded Zionists actually believe that Al-Assad would invite the UN investigators into his country and then proceed to order a gas attack exactly where the inspectors were at the exact same time. And then there are the half a dozen intel agencies like Germany, Russia, China etc. stating they have evidence the Rebels did it.
And just to be sure there is no doubt Mr. Obama has not presented a single scape of credible evidence Syria gassed it's people either.....
Now as to you insinuation that Russia is somehow "protecting" a guilty party with its veto. How about the US protecting Israel and its genocide and war crimes against the Palestinian people. In the last dozen years or so the US has used its veto power 13 times. 12 of those 13 veto's were used to shield Israel's illegal behavior.........
However you are right the guilty parties that are responsible for the gassing are not being charged. Those parties are the US, Israel, the Saudis and Qatar that organized, equipped and bankrolled the covert war in Syria since 2011. And oh by the way the gas used is the same that is stock piled by both the US and Israel. Oh you did not know that between the US and Israel we have a large percentage of total stockpiles of Sarin gas in the world today???????
"Gassing your own people is a blatant violation of common morality" You are so right Ron. Israel have been caught using all sorts nasty things against the Palestinians. Which is one of the reasons why the US has had to use its veto power at the UN..................................
Oh come now people. Israel has been in control of US Middle Eastern Policy for a long time. Putin was just manipulated into doing exactly what Israel wanted. Israel needs Syria's capability to rebuff Israeli military aggression removed. Putin is doing just that. The sole reason that Israel has not ordered the US to attack Syria like it ordered the US to attack all its other "enemies" is simple; Syria can destroy Israel with a massive poison gas strike. Syria's ability to do that has effectively neutered Israel's nuclear threat for decades and stopped further military action.
For 2 years the US/Israel have been waging an illegal covert war against Syria in the hopes of bringing down the government and placing a puppet regime in its place. That action using mercenaries, agents, special ops and plain old terrorists failed. Hence the latest attempts at manipulating Bashar Hafez al-Assad. The US/Israel don't have a legal leg to stand on. In fact it is the US/Israel that are the acknowledged terrorists who have allied themselves with their alleged "enemy" Al-Qaede in Syria. One has to wonder how much longer the world at large let alone the American people will put up with the treasonous members of Congress and the White House who are such willing accomplices to Israeli military aggression and regional imperialism
Great feedback and insights to a very complicated conundrum known as the middle east.
We really appreciate you input to this poll.
All the best,
Adam Hewison
Mr. Putin is just correcting either their own or their predecessors all earlier mistakes, and i think, at present, considering entire situation, he is capable to do so.
Rasesh Shukla,
Yes, it's pretty interesting turn of events.
We really appreciate you input to this poll.
All the best,
Adam Hewison
It might be Putin, it might be Kieth Alexander of the NSA. Who types the messages to Obama's on his teleprompter - that's who dictates his policy, foreign, alien and domestic. Since it makes no sense to the voting public, there must be somebody else - maybe Snowden, but probably someone like Jamie Dimon.
Thanks, we really appreciate you input to this poll.
All the best,
Adam Hewison
Mr.Putin is not dictating US policy in Syria only restraining,limiting it.Martin
You make a good point - Thanks for your comment.
All the best,
Adam Hewison
Mr Putin is NOT dictating American Diplomacy, however, we sure did open the door for him! I personally will
not support any action in Syria. IT is THEIR fight. They have to fix it, and eventually they will. We should not be so
arrogant to believe that UNCLE SAM can make a difference dropping multimillion dollar missiles on some adobe huts!
A five year old boy will then grow up hating the USA because they killed his parents. sound familiar.? history does repeat itself.... let's not get sucked into this Quagmire.
V Putin has merely helped Obama/USA not make another mistake like USA did in previous ill conceived mid east interventions because of which even today the citizens of those countries suffer.
Before stepping into Syria with either remote controlled wpns or Inf boots, Obama should see what US interference has wrought in Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. Things have only become worse,
Even Assad is snot so brainless as not to know that use of chem wpns against innocent civilians will affect his standing and image and status as leader of Syria domestically and internationally. Likely he has been framed to give the West an excuse to intervene on moral grounds.
There are numerous African nations whose leaders treat their citizens in barbaric manner, I do not see Obama even voice once any concern, let alone blow the bugle.
Jewish lobby, oil & gas, the defence contractors hungry with no orders since Iraq/Afghan operations are winding down is where we may also find more reasons why Obama is so gung-ho!
I think the world owes V Putin a thank you for coming up with such a simple and obvious solution which I am surprised all the intellectual diplomats in the West could not come up with before considering military action.
This is not to forget considerations of geo-politics, strategic balance in the eastern Med, better control of oil & gas resources in this region, etc.
You know Bharat, I thought the same thing myself when I read the news of Putin's plan. Why didn't Obama come up with this plan himself?