Bike Like A Girl - Almost Home!

Here's the latest update from the Bike Like a Girl (BLAG) team.

"We are in 5th place & on track to smash the 8-women record! We hope to see you at the finish line at City Dock in Annapolis early Saturday!"

If you remember earlier this month, we told you about the Bike Like A Girl team that we are sponsoring for our June INO Cares campaign. Here is one of the women sporting our logo which is on the front of their cycling jerseys. You are making INO proud, keep up the awesome work!

Visit the RAAM site to track the team's progress! Or track them on their Facebook page for the latest updates and photos.

Lindsay Bittinger, Inc.

2 thoughts on “Bike Like A Girl - Almost Home!

  1. Praying for you girls! Hope to see you in the morning at the City Dock in Annapolis. Linda Moore and I were there tonight and saw the guy from Denmark and his support team at the finish line.

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