North American Cannabis Stock Index Already Up 5% In 2017

Analysis originally distributed on February 8, 2017 By: Michael Vodicka of Cannabis Stock Trades

Cannabis stocks are off to a good start in 2017.

After gaining 4.2% in January, the MJIC North American Cannabis Stock Index is now up more than 5% on the year.

Although that’s a great return for any ‘normal’ stock index, it might not jump off the page after cannabis stocks delivered big returns in 2016.

However, looking below the surface, you’ll see plenty of cannabis stocks have been burning up the charts in 2017.

Canadian cannabis stocks have been leading the pack.

Canopy Growth Corp (TSX:WEED), Canada’s largest medical cannabis company, is up 25% in 2017.

That bullish movement has been driven by a steady stream of good news. Continue reading "North American Cannabis Stock Index Already Up 5% In 2017"