How to Tame the Volatile Financial Markets

No matter how volatile the market, a FREE report shows you five ways the Elliott Wave Principle can improve your trading

By Elliott Wave International

Up, down, up, down; 200 points higher, 300 points lower; rinse and repeat!

It isn't easy being an investor in the U.S stock market these days. Honestly, it feels more like being in a clinical trial for mood stabilizers. Or, as the market oracle himself Warren Buffett described it in December 2014:

"Mr. Market is kind of a drunken psycho. Some days he gets very enthused. Some days he gets very depressed. And when he gets really enthused... you sell to him, and if he gets depressed, you buy from him. There's no moral taint attached to that."

Moral taint, no. But, there is a pretty significant learning curve attached to that. To wit: You have to know in quantitative terms what "really enthused" or "depressed" looks like on a price chart -- before the mood swing. As in tangible, objective criteria that signals Continue reading "How to Tame the Volatile Financial Markets"