Oil & Gas Stocks Are Here To Stay

During his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden noted that the U.S. will still need oil and gas for at least another decade. This comes as the President has pushed for a significant transition in our country to renewable energy.

President Biden has fought against the oil and gas companies since the beginning of his tenure. He has told Americans that we need to reduce our reliance on oil and gas and move towards renewable energy as soon as possible.

The President has pushed for legislation to make renewable energy more affordable. All this while telling oil and gas companies that they need to invest more to grow supply but not offer them the same concessions.

More so, the Biden administration has tried to reduce the number of oil and gas leases the federal government can sell. Thus making it more difficult to increase supply. Some government policies are also making the industry smaller since new and smaller companies are getting squeezed out due to regulations.

I think most people would agree that burning oil and gas is not ideal for the environment and more so that we need to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and gas producers such as Russia (which we primarily have done since the start of the war with Ukraine) and those countries in the middle east that are not so friendly to the U.S.

However, it will be more than even the decade President Biden admitted to in the State of the Union address until we are indeed off the oil and gas addiction our country currently has.

For example, even the most aggressive state legislation coming out of California and New York doesn't ban the sale of internal combustion engines until 2035, more than a decade from now. While electric vehicle sales rapidly increase in the U.S., they are growing from a super low starting point.

The reality is that the government is making it more difficult for oil and gas companies to expand supply either with laws, not selling leases, or banning gasoline vehicles in the future, making long-term investments less appealing. This inadvertently pushes oil and gas prices higher and makes these companies more profitable.

And remember, this is all during a time when the President, a Democrat, is not 'pro' oil and gas. Take a moment to imagine how well the industry could be doing if the President and Congress were both 'pro' or even indifferent about the oil and gas industry.

So with that being said, let's look at a few exchange-traded funds that you can buy today to possibly play the boom the oil and gas industry may be setting up for over the next few decades. Continue reading "Oil & Gas Stocks Are Here To Stay"