Here's Another Fine Mess Obama Will Dump On Trump

George Yacik - Contributor - Fed & Interest Rates

When the financial and general press get around to giving the departing Obama Administration – now just days away from happening – all the credit for the booming economy to be inherited by Donald Trump, let’s hope they don’t neglect to mention some of the messes Obama has left for the next president to clean up. Besides opening up the jails and Guantanamo, Obama will be leaving Trump with a bunch of other fiascos he created that will take years to fix and billions of taxpayer dollars to remedy.
And no, I’m not talking about Obamacare or the federal debt.

I’m referring to the burgeoning student loan crisis that has yet to reach the implosion point but that will likely happen sooner rather than later. And since it hasn’t yet reached the flash point at which time it must be addressed, that means the bubble will continue to grow until it eventually splatters onto other seemingly unrelated areas, spreading the mess farther and wider beyond anyone’s current expectations.

I call your attention to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s most recent report on student loans. Continue reading "Here's Another Fine Mess Obama Will Dump On Trump"