Is The Spike In Bond Yields Trump's Fault?

George Yacik - Contributor - Fed & Interest Rates

Pretty much ever since Donald Trump threw his hat into the ring to run for president about 18 months ago, he’s been blamed for any number of things that have upset some people, no matter how preposterous.

He’s been blamed for recruiting Muslim fanatics to fight for ISIS. He’s been blamed for inciting violence at his own rallies, plus the riots that have followed his election. A middle school teacher in Berkeley, California - where else? - Blamed Trump after she had said she received an anonymous threat from neo-Nazis. I suppose if I spent enough time researching it I could find someone blaming Trump for killing Lincoln and Kennedy, the two World Wars and global warming - you just know he must have had something to do with that!

Now, since his stunning upset victory in the U.S. presidential election, bond yields have spiked to their highest levels since last January, and many people are putting the blame on him for that. Continue reading "Is The Spike In Bond Yields Trump's Fault?"

Washington's dirty little secret they don't want you to know about

Have you filled up the gas tank lately?

If you have then you know it is a pain at the pump for everybody in America. But the real pain is something most middle Americans don't even know about, and I'm not even talking about the 47% of the country that does not pay taxes. No, I'm talking about the people who do pay taxes and work their butts off to make a living.

Like a lot of Americans, I am not a happy camper and I am not happy with the incredible misdirection this country is going in with its spend, spend, spend policies. I'm not sure what its like in your house, but in mine if we can afford something, we can afford something, but we don't have the luxury of printing money by the truckload to spend beyond our means. The main problem is, these spending policies are only going to further weaken our economy.

This afternoon Pres. Obama is to make a speech explaining how we're supposed to get out of this mess - or how it is often described by this current White House - "potential financial Armageddon." In my opinion if there are not significant spending cuts, we're going to see a lot of pressure on the market. Unfortunately I think this speech will probably be long on rhetoric and short on details. That seems to be the style in Washington these days.

Okay I promised you the dirty little secret that Washington doesn't want you to know about and here goes... Continue reading "Washington's dirty little secret they don't want you to know about"