They've changed the rules again to cover their folly.

First published March 16, 2008 under: Here’s why everything is hitting the fan at the same time.

Here's the original post.

After safely protecting investors for over six decades, a little known SEC rule was quietly removed on July 6, 2007.

With the removal of this rule all the rules of trading and investing in the market went out the window.

One of the reasons for the market's current volatility is a direct result of this rule change.

This major SEC rule was designed to protect investors.

With the removal of this rule, professional traders and hedge funds will be able to suck money out of the market and your portfolio in no time flat.

Why this rule that has stood the test of time since 1938 and was put in place to protect investors was removed is a big mystery.

Why now?

Here's what I suspect happened... some large hedge funds got together and lobbied to have this major trading rule removed.

It's just that simple. Why else would the SEC act out of the blue and remove this very important investor safe guard?

I suspect with this rule change the hedge funds have just been given the keys to Fort Knox.

I made this video last year but it details how this new ruling will effect you. The video explains in every day language what you can do to protect your capital from the hedge fund gunslingers and professional traders.

Watch the video as my guest. No registration required.

After you view the video you will have the knowledge on how to protect your portfolio, while at the same time reducing your risk exposure.

Adam Hewison