OTM Near-Term Vertical Debit Spreads

If you can understand the title you're approved to continue reading this article by AJ Brown from TradingTrainer.com. AJ is really one of the only guys I know who can make something like OTM Near-Term Vertical Debit Spreads an easy topic to understand and execute! Read the below article and also be sure and get AJ's Options Trading Courses as I made him promise to give it to Trader's Blog readers for free! He told me he was impressed with Trader's Blog readers and really wants you to ask him some tough questions...don't let him down!


If you open and close too many positions in a single week, you will be tagged as a pattern day trader and forced to comply with a set of complex and onerous rules.

To reduce our exposure, increase our probability of making a profitable trade, and avoid being flagged as a pattern day trader, we’ve been using out-of-the-money near-term vertical debit spreads. What this means is that we’ve been leaving our positions open overnight instead of closing them intraday.

A vertical debit spread is like a cheap insurance policy to protect you in case a stock gaps up or down.
Here’s how it works…
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