This is a recording of the 10-Minute Options Strategy and Q&A that was held on March 22, 2018.
In this webinar recording, you'll learn how to determine which market conditions are optimal for options trading, how to identify which stocks make great option candidates, how to implement my simple strategy in only 10 minutes and more.
I urge you to take your trading to the next level with my comprehensive training course and MarketClub Blueprint by joining MarketClub Options.
As a member, you'll have instant access to…
- 9 lesson video series teaching you the MarketClub Blueprint
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- Bear Market Blueprint - a training module to deal with the downturn
Enjoy the presentation,
Trader Travis
MarketClub Options
I love your teaching I want to join your students and be Joe'soption trader
One of the BIGGEST concerns expressed on the webinar was "How does the MarketClub Options Blueprint work in a volatile market where a buy can go from a sell in a few days?"
Excellent question!
The way to easily spot what systems are gimmicks and which ones ACTUALLY work is seeing how they perform when things go wrong. How do they perform after a severe crash/correction in the market?
The key to success is to have a system that can handle anything the market throws at you.
For example, if you lost money from 1-26-18 through 3-23-18 then it means the system you are using could use some tweaking so that you don't suffer too much when the market has a correction.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you need a "can't lose" system as that's a fairy-tale fantasy, but you should aim to lose less than other investors.
So with that standard let's see how the MarketClub Options Blueprint held up...
Even in this crappy market the system is holding up strong. As of today the S&P is down -1.38% for the year, but our model portfolio is up +9%. And that's AFTER the 10% correction; that kind of performance is not accidental.
It's only possible because we are using a proven blueprint.
We also made a few examples trades on the webinar, but I don't want to spoil the surprise. Watch the reply and you can see for yourself how those trades have done.
Whatever you decide, I wish you much success and if you have any follow up questions please let me or the MarketClub staff now.
Thanks, Travis Wilkerson (aka Trader Travis)