Apple's secret weapon.

Are you ready to take a bite out of Apple's secret weapon?

Apple has got to be one of my all-time favorite companies. I have used Apple computers for years and they never cease to amaze me at how easy they are to use and how well-designed they are.

But Apple's gone much further than ease of use and great design, they are now a fully fledged consumer company with their two breakthrough products, the iPod and the iPhone.

Both of these products have taken on a cult like status and are certainly icons for this generation.

I was recently in Washington D.C. for an appearance on CNBC that I ran into Walter Mossberg. Now here's a guy who can have any tech toy he wants (Walter writes on technology for the Wall Street Journal and gets inundated with free tech stuff) and there he was talking on his iPhone. Now how cool is that? I might add that CNBC and the Wall Street Journal share offices in Washington.

Now, Walter is around my age and he's using the most advanced smart phone on the planet. I said to myself right there and then, that I just had to get me one of these cool phones.

Now here's the challenge, once you check out the iPhone you will want one too! I know all my kids want one, now that they have tried out my iPhone.

We expect that Apple under the visionary leadership of Steve Jobs will grow dramatically in the future. We expect that Apple will become better known for its consumer products than for the computers it first started out with.

I just finished a short movie on Apple that explains the recent slide, and why we think the market may be getting ready for another big move.

There's no registration requirements to view the video, and you can watch it at any time.

This is Adam Hewison wishing you every success in trading and in life.

I'll see on the web.

4 thoughts on “Apple's secret weapon.

  1. I almost bought the iTouch thinking that I would just use my regular phone. When I weighed the options, I just couldn't resist, plus, for the price it was more worth it.

  2. In an industry with a little margin of error, so far Apple seems to do everything right. By creating an ecosystem around their consumer products, they have figured how to keep the competition out. Great blog.


  3. iPhone ... the most satisfying purchase I have ever made. There isn't a day that goes by that it hasn't gone above and beyond the call of duty. I have access to the world in my hand ...

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