Has the dollar finally bottomed out?

Today we're going to be looking at the Euro versus the US Dollar.

I have just finished making a new video that looks at the Euro since the beginning of February. This free videos shows you step by step all the signals and trades that we have shown in this market.

We are using MarketClub's proprietary Trade Triangles to trade this cross. After looking at the results we had six winning trades and only one trade that rendered a loss. The results are detailed in the video.

I believe that when you see this logical way to approach the markets, you will be impressed and you'll want to incorporate similar techniques into your own trading plan.

At INO.com and MarketClub we welcome your feedback. Our goal is to help make you a better trader.

Here's to your best trading year ever!

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com

3 thoughts on “Has the dollar finally bottomed out?

  1. Never mind the dollar. Look at Sterling!! Good lord the Euro/GBP cross would appear to be totally out of kilter now. i am of the opinion that GBP has been grossly overvalued for many years, but such an incredibly precipitous decline in such a short period of time may indicate that there should be a counter trend rally at some stage. I would be interested to hear the views of readers regarding this. is this convergence pending Sterling being abolished in favour of the Euro?

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