How a 500 year old charting program predicted the top in crude oil

How could a 500 year charting system possibly predict the top in the crude oil market in 2008?
Well, it did, and this video proves it.

You may have missed my earlier video on crude oil, if you did, I strongly recommend that you take a few minutes and see what we predicted for crude oil on July 16. You will also get to see the exact sell signal that all our members received.

In this short video we analyze the crude oil market and what we expect it will do in the future.

There are many skeptics out there who do not believe in charting and this methodology. Japanese candlestick charting has been in existence for over 500 years and has prove itself time and time again. I think this video and modern day example will put to rest a lot of those skeptics.

Enjoy the video. We welcome your comments.

Every success in trading and in life.

Adam Hewison

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