"Saturday Seminars" -Pattern Probability Used in a Unified System

The new trader should have no difficulty following this presentation. Concepts progress logically from the basic to the more complex. There are no abstract theories that the trader must accept on faith or complex formulas to intimidate the new practitioner. Step by step, Curtis proves that any trader can duplicate his personal trading success by approaching trading as a business. A trader must have a consistent approach and a long-term perspective and must adhere to the four basic tenets of trading: trade with the trend, cut losses short, let profits run, and use good money management.

Curtis explains why most traders lose and why success depends upon long-term thinking. Curtis shows a simple way to define a trend and describes nine specific patterns that allow you to follow any trend with minimal risk. You will learn to recognize the most powerful pattern found on a chart and ways to avoid missing a major move.

Curtis teaches you how and when to move your stop to break-even and how to combine two powerful exit systems to ensure that you never again give back your open profits. Curtis also discusses some of the additional considerations that allow a trader to adopt a more aggressive stance when appropriate, including basis relationships, options expiration, and first notice days. Finally, Curtis teaches you a proven money management system using a fixed fractional approach to boost your performance and reduce your longest string of losses.

Curtis Arnold is a veteran of the stocks and commodities markets. His first book, Your Personal Computer Can Make You Rich in Stocks and Commodities, sold over 50,000 copies and contained the actual code for twenty-five programs that would create and plot technical indicators. His next book, Timing the Market (1984), sold nearly 70,000 copies worldwide. Changing Times magazine chose Timing the Market as the best investment book of the year in 1992. In 1994, the book made the best-seller list in India. Curtis developed the Commitment of Traders Index, a tool that allows traders to spot imbalances in futures open interest among small, large, and commercial speculators. In 1987, Curtis' research led him to quantify and classify classical chart patterns, then produce accurate statistics, rating each for its probabilities of success. This led Curtis to develop his PPS System (Pattern Probability Strategy), one of today's more successful and popular trading systems. After tripling his personal account in 1988, Curtis began training a limited number of students in his methodology. In 1992, one of his students became the number-one-ranked CTA in the country. That same year, a first-year PPS student won the United States Investing Championship with a return of 216.1 percent. Supertraders Almanac then chose PPS as "Trading Methodology of the Year."


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13 thoughts on “"Saturday Seminars" -Pattern Probability Used in a Unified System

  1. To Steve & Lindsey, Thank you for your comments.It seems that people jump to judgementalness too readily. It's free "take it or leave it".The investor evaluation may not have been straight on the up&up.If you read the system & paper trade it or "backtest" it with some software such as tradestation you will have your answer. Thanks Lindsey keep up the good work. THANKS,IN HIM, Phillip

  2. To Our Blog Readers:

    I am the one who put this seminar together. What I have been doing is offering one seminar every Saturday. Everyone is going to have different opinions about every author. We are not in any way saying that you should follow an authors exact methods, however we are offering different points of view, theories, techniques and presentation styles. Take what you want out of these seminars and leave the rest on the table. If you have any direct concerns please feel free to contact me at li*****@in*.com.


    Lindsay Thompson
    Director of New Business Development
    INO.com & MarketClub.com

  3. There are a few problems that I'm having with these comments. The first is that the workbook is free, and the second is that it appears (based on the comments) that nobody has actually reviewed the workbook. The information is actually decent, and since you don't have to pay anything to read it, who cares if the Mr. Arnold is disingenuous. I think the advice on which patterns to trade, and information about placing stops and assesing risk is valid for newbies.

    And, by the way, I do not know and am not affiliated in anyway with Mr. Curtis.


  4. A look on the net shows that Mr Curtis Arnold is more infamous than famous, why his PPS system has been selected for this Saturday's seminar?

    This does not look good for the Market Club.

  5. David,

    Excellent questions. Here's a link to the CFTC document:


    Here's an excerpt from it:

    "Finally, the 1995 Promotion contained a series of statements referring to "returns" or "profits," including: (1) "In each of 10 years, the fledgling system had achieved returns between 100% and 200% based on a twenty-five thousand dollar account trading one contract" ; and (2) "PPS can offer you consistent profits with minimal risks. Imagine making 123% per year for the last ten years trading single contracts with a maximum drawdown equal to 4% of profits. Imagine turning $25,000 into $1,487,184 in five years while risking only 2% per trade." In fact, Arnold did not actually trade pursuant to PPS for 10 years, PPS never actually made 123% per year for ten years, never made between 100% and 200% for each of 10 years; and never turned $25,000 into $1,487,184 in five years."

  6. David.
    Banned sometimes means using something before the "real crooks" recognize the opportunity. I do not condone dishonesty if this alleged "banned" is true.

    The playing field is full of huxterism and morally corrupt "gurus" (Present company excluded) that sell their services unfettered by law.

    I welcome you to the "Brotherhood of Skeptics". This is healthy, and necessary to trade properly.
    Just keep and open mind.

  7. I have just googled "PPS curtis arnold" and found that he has been found guilty by the Commodities Futures Trading commission of making false claims relating to his system and that he was banned in 2000 from trading.
    If this is true how do you justify including his seminar on ino.tv and how can we have any confidence in the claims he makes?

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