11 thoughts on “The MarketClub Minute ... Lesson 8

  1. Not quite the exact answer to my specific question!
    Generalities, do not make the way!

    All answers must be on probabilities while exeptions are taken in stride. That is what a teacher is ALL about, and teaching.

    Bill N.

  2. Yeah, I've noticed that on the 'Lessons' only the left audio channel is coming thru. All the other videos are fine, just the 'Lesson' series have this problem, so make sure your left speaker is working when you listen to these. Adam, can you look into that?

    Otherwise, great advice in the fundamentals that we all should adhere to, and I know sometime I don't. I mark those in my spreadsheet as 'Failure Lessons Learned'

    Like your call on the British Pound (I use FXB), I wish I had picked that up at 148-ish.

    Also, what do you think about the 'Dines Letter' call on the Uranium shortage and what's a good way to play that?

    Thanks much

  3. I think market club software can never predict anything. if a stock is going up, it gives you a buy signal even when leading indicators are already dropping...when the stock has already gone down some 20% the red triangle pops up...I have found this the hard way...for swing trading i think you just need to keep looking at a stock for say 4-5 days and then go in when some indicators are indicating a buy...it is not really very hard to predict and make a 10% profit everytime in about 1-2 months. If you invest 50 grand you will be rewarded with 5 grand everytime which is very safe...Too much greed can kill anybody, which is what happened last year.

  4. Tell me something I don't already know. I have a program (I developed) which is a no brainer, 80% successful. No thinking or second guessing. When it says buy, you buy. When it says sell, you sell. You put in the stops and then raise them as the market goes your way. After trying to second gusss the market for 40 years I've found this is the easiest way to make money and not worry about any big losses.

      1. Hi Peter,

        I'm going to have someone from our customer service team follow up with you by email today. They will be happy to explain MarketClub's tools and how to get a look at the service.

        Hope you had a great weekend.


        Lindsay Thompson
        Director of New Business Development
        INO.com & MarketClub

    1. Hey Frank, if you're so hot and obviously know everything already, why are you even here?

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