If you haven't gotten in on the Trader's Blog August contest, you still have time.

You still have time to enter the Trader's Blog contest where we asked, "Do you think the recession is easing, or is there another downturn in sight?" If you've already put in your response then check back tomorrow for the winner, but if you haven't you only have a few hours left.

Click To Enter Trader's Blog Contest for August


Lindsay Thompson & The MarketClub Team

17 thoughts on “If you haven't gotten in on the Trader's Blog August contest, you still have time.

  1. The inflation bug infect the market in about 9 months. It will be substantial but not sever.

  2. The signs look to the recession ending but the amount of debt on the governments books plis the lack of any real daylight in the employment market indicates that we are not out of the woods yet. I don't think it will get much worse but I don't feel we have a recovery just yet. Probably a year or more of little or no good news on the recovery front. We need something to drive the recovery and right now it is not there - stimulus - what stinulus

  3. Recession is easing now, time will proof it.
    In order to have economy in a positive momentum, we need regulatory controlling and monetary support.
    As long one section of economy getting better, the others follow suit...

  4. The recession/depression is not over.
    Fundamental problems still exsists. Unemployment continues to rise,
    weekly earnings continue to fall. House prices continue to fall and
    foreclosures rise. Household deleveraging continues, and credit conditions continue to tighten for consumers. Drivers are missing for economic growth, housing, commercial real estate loose bank credit
    capital spending and concumer spending. The Federal government has a unsustainable fiscal and monetary policy that is repeating the same
    programs that failed in Japan.

  5. I think there"s going to be another downturn, waiting for the other shoe to drop, ( credit cards are next?)

  6. I believe the recession is easing a bit, however, I don't believe the US economy is out of the woods at present. Whether or not we see another downturn, only time will tell. As an investor. I would be on guard for any sign of trouble with the markets.

    There remains a lot of unanswered questions regarding the economy. My advice; Keep a running stop loss on your open positions...just in case. The, go with the flow.

  7. I believe the recession is easing a bit, however, I don't believe the US economy is out of the woods at present. Whether or not we see another downturn, only time will tell. As an investor would be on guard for any sign of trouble with the markets.

  8. The recession is easing for now. Market will go sideways this fall with some leaders that will have huge gains. Our government will play a huge roll that will either kill the market or allow America to continue to be a free capitalist system
    This winter we will sink or fly high

  9. the next year is going to look better and after that hygh interest rates will kjll any recovery

  10. D'ont worry.
    Somehow the wool will be put over our eyes again.Look at all the people that believe in global warming.Come on,remember the weapons of mass destruction,you believed that,remember.
    Follow the money.These people need us saps.Pretty soon we will all think everything is o.k.again.
    But look at all the freedom we have lost in the last couple of years.
    This will be enough for them for now.They don't want to push it too far all at once.
    Just be careful who you believe and who you vote for next time.
    The big bank bonuses,the free lunch the politicians are eating,and the special interest groups that allways vote them back in,should make us all mad as hell.
    They have probably pushed us enough this time.
    Everything will be rosy by christmas.

  11. headed down. Markets being propped with "short" money. The carpet is frozen and resting on a slippery slope. It's only a matter of time before a hurricane, or other world event pulls it out from under the economy.

  12. This market is wating for another disaster to happen. With unemployment in the double digits and consumer cut backs, there is a high possibility for the economy to face a double dipped recession.

  13. I think the recent moves by the goverment will give the economy some releif of the presurring rescession that is affecting the us population, so I think its slowing abit but with high unemployment and exceeive goverment spending which will cause high taxes in the future I feel the recession will get worse and we have not seen the bottom of this economy downturn

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