Mastering MarketClub: Getting the Most Out of MarketClub 3-Part Series

Getting the Most Out of MarketClubThis week’s webinar will start the “Getting the Most Out of MarketClub” series.  The first part of this series titled, “What Type of Trader Are You?” will help you identify your trading style and also how to use the “Trade Triangle” technology successfully within that style.

To kickoff this webinar series, our presenter will be MarketClub co-creator and President,  Adam Hewison. With Adam’s wealth of knowledge, we couldn’t think of anyone better to get us started.

We hope that you’ll be able to join us on Friday, December 11th at 4 p.m. EST. You can register by clicking here.

You can also register in advance for the 2nd and 3rd parts of this series by clicking the links below:

Part 2 - "Where Do I Start?"

Part 3 - "Tips and Tricks of MarketClub"

If you would like to be notified about future webinars, click here to sign-up.


Susan Jackson
Webinar Administrator & MarketClub

10 thoughts on “Mastering MarketClub: Getting the Most Out of MarketClub 3-Part Series

    1. Donnie,

      We're definitely working on it. This new feature for us as given us a little trouble, but we're figuring it out.

      Thanks for the request,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  1. I live in Greece, so the time difference makes it impossible for me to watch the webinars. Shall I be able to find the content of the webinar somewhere in the site?

    1. Daniil,

      It’s unfortunate that you can not join us live, but check back to see a recording. Also… I’ll try to suggest experimenting with times and days so that we may best accommodate everyone.

      Thanks and have a wonderful holiday,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  2. It sounds like a good series to be watching. Unfortunately I am going on holidays the Friday it starts and won't be back until after new years.

    I hope that this will be archived for later reference.

    1. Del,

      Enjoy your holiday vacation. Hope it's filled with health and happiness. When you get back, look on the blog for the recorded webinar, or give our Customer Support Team a call at 1-800-538-7424 or email su*****@in*.com and they will be able to send you the link to the video.

      Happy Holidays,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  3. Hi Adam,
    I'd love to be at this seminar but the timing is just not right for me. It'll be 4am Saturday here in SEA. Can you have it recorded so that those who are not able to attend the seminar can watch it at a more suitable time. Thank you.

    1. Bob,

      We've had a few issues with recording the webinars thus far, but we're working that out. Of course we want all people who can benefit from these webinars to be able to watch them at a time convenient for them.

      Keep an eye out for the recording n the blog.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

    1. As long as there are no technical hiccups, the webinar will be recorded.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

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