Saturday Success Story - Loic, France

At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.

Here's great news from a member...

"I am a full time trader living in Marseille in the South of France. I have been using the portfolio quotes on for years. I did subscribe to MarketClub in 2008 and wish I had done it earlier. MarketClub has taken my trading to a totally different level. I am now combining the triangles with my technical analysis to get in and out of commodities markets. I have been able to become a full time trader thanks to MarketClub. I am up 150% in 2009. Before, I used to find that my trading style was allowing me to get into few trades and not enough to my liking. Now, I am trading much more. At times, I have come to think that the direction dictated by a triangle was not going to be the right one, only to find out that MarketClub and its triangle had it right !!

I wish I had subscribed much earlier to your service. Having said that, I am VERY happy to be a subscriber and will be forever. I would not want to trade without the triangle technology today.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. One of my dreams is becoming a reality thanks to your service.

Keep up the great job as you have found what is very close to being THE crystal ball of trading." ~ Loic D., France

To send your own success story, please email bl**@in*.com. We wish all of our members the best and we look forward to hearing your success story.

7 thoughts on “Saturday Success Story - Loic, France

  1. Hi Loic D.

    It's very good to know that you have success with Market Club TT and a full time trader. Congrats.

    It would be nice to know some detail and your metholodogy.

  2. That is very inspiring.

    Since even the greatest of investing gurus don't know the future, it makes sense that many successful pros would incorporate the triangles.

    I've yet to develop my own methodology.

    Perhaps its too much to ask, but its too bad this successful trader couldn't delve more into his methodology for having such success.

    As the Temptations once said "I ain't too proud to beg" 🙂

    Thank you

  3. Hello
    I would be interested in the triagle trading that Loic D in France.
    Could you give me more information
    Thank you

  4. Has Market Club improved its graphical interface as yet ?
    inability to sort the watch list and very limited graphical interface was my problem for not continuing with market club

    1. Dear Anees,

      It looks as if you were a member in September. From then and now we have not changed our charting platform. However, please keep an eye out after the new year for a new portfolio function that will allow you create various lists and watch your whole portfolio (charts and all) in one place.

      Thanks for your comment. Give our customer service team a call to chat about our new functions once they arrive.

      Happy New Year,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

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