Saturday Success Story - Roy, Idaho

At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.

Here's great news from a member...

"First, you have to know that I am very new at trading, and my trading is for the longer term and not being a day trader. I started doing paper trades in January 2009 just picking companies that I had read about and just watched how they did. Next, I searched the Internet to locate companies that offered technical analysis to understand the trends and the pulse of each company. I am happy to report that Market Club is my sole engine to analyze the stock companies that I am interested in. I have been running a for real portfolio of approximately $100,000 and have made money using your technical tools. I could have made more money had I stayed with my picks instead of chickening out when some of them dipped below a 8% level cut-out; had I stayed I would have made a really really lot of money. I had purchased Citi "C" at $1.10, the stock climbed up to $3.70 and then fell quite a bit. I chickened out and sold; had I stayed the stock went back up quite significantly. I stumbled with several stocks as they dipped; had I stayed these too would have been great winners. Overall, my record since early March was 24.8% return as of today with DJI up at $235.

I have watched many of the video clips, and watched and learned from the blogs that you provide insights as to how to gain further insights in using technical tools.

Overall, I would rate you services as an AA+++. I am making money and learning more as I go along with my daily tasks of watching for new stocks and watching the trends as they change." ~ Roy B., Idaho

To send your own success story, please email bl**@in*.com. We wish all of our members the best and we look forward to hearing your success story.

9 thoughts on “Saturday Success Story - Roy, Idaho

  1. Quick question. I am very new to trading and have found your blogs and videos very helpful. My question is can you use your system (trading triangles) for intra day trading I do mostly scalps?
    Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Marci,

      Right now our Trade Triangles are not developed to support day traders. I have heard of members using the daily Trade Triangle to determine trend direction, and then they use a general technical analysis indictor like the MACD to match hourly, 30-minute or 10-minute trend direction. We are working on real-time stock quotes and will consider re-working the algorithms to better support intra-day traders. It's not a guarantee, but a consider at this point.

      If you have any other questions please contact our Support Team by calling 1-800-538-7424 or by emailing su*****@in*.com.

      Best Wishes,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  2. Dear Adam and dear gentleman-clients of this web,

    I so appreciate your videos, they are so helpful.
    May I ask you a favour? I need your help.
    Would you be so kind to give some information about reliable broker company or to work directly with ECN where they will not hunt for my stops and will not lock my excess to my account.
    It would be so helpful...
    Thank you so much.
    Looking forward.

    1. Iho,

      Unfortunately we can't recommend specific brokers, however I can pass along some links of brokerage companies which we've worked with on a business to business level.


      United Futures Trading FXCM
      Daniels Trading MF GLOBAL
      TradeStation Securities CMS FOREX
      FXOpen MT4 ECN
      LightSpeed Trading dbFX - Deutsche Bank
      SoGo Trade

      I hope this will give you a little bit of help.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  3. Now that's what I call A beer! Reminds me of the Oktoberfest.

    Sorry got carried away....congrats on your investing achievements Roy.

    All the best


  4. I forgot to mention that the "should have .... could have" syndrome is the down fall of most equity traders.

  5. Roy, its great to hear you are doing so well. I agree with Pete. I too had this emotional panic to sell when the stock dropped a bit, since I use options the loses can be mind blowing for a minor pullback. You will need to develop a confidence that the trade triangles will let you know when a trend has changed. You must remember however that the triangles are a marker of "history", they are not predictive. They will not get you out at the top or in at the bottom. The triangles only appear after the move has been confirmed usually 2 to 5 days. As you work with the triangles for a while you will be able to predict their appearance. I of course assume you are using a proper money management formula to determine the size of each trade.

  6. Way to go Roy!

    "I could have made more money had I stayed with my picks instead of chickening out when some of them dipped below a 8% level cut-out; had I stayed I would have made a really really lot of money."

    Sounds like your doing fine. The only thing I would suggest is to get the thought of closing out your positions as "chickening out" out of your mind. What you did by selling at your "8% level cut-out", was to follow your pre-determined trading rules. That's exactly what you should be doing if you want to be successful at trading.

    The next time you close out a position because one of your exit strategy rules were triggered and then the stock reverses and continues higher, make sure you congratulate yourself to sticking to your plan. That's no chicken in my mind. In fact, I would say just the opposite is true- someone who doesn't close out their position when their exit signal is triggered could be considered a chicken.

  7. "I chickened out and sold; had I stayed the stock went back up quite significantly. I stumbled with several stocks as they dipped; had I stayed these too would have been great winners."

    These are the sort of comments that everyone should learn from. It is all about money management. You had no idea what the stock was going to do. You should have gone in to your trade with a plan and you get out at the loss you are willing to accept and you get out at the win you are willing to accept. Hindsight could make us all winners. You are sure to lose all your money if you continue to validate in your mind second guessing of your trading strategy. Plan your trade, trade your plan. In the end, you can be a winner.

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