Saturday Success Story - Jeremy, Illinois

At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.

Here's great news from a member...

"I've only been a member of MarketClub for a few short weeks, and I can tell already that it's going to pay dividends in my trading. My first trade alone came on futures for the US Dollar and it has already paid the membership price for one year. Though I'm glad to finally make consistent returns. I've always had trouble sticking with trades and following the trends, and the Trade Triangles from MarketClub help me to do just that; stick with winners, and cut losses short!  It's all about money management and taking out the emotions when it comes to trading. Furthermore, I enjoy using the Smart Scan technology where it quickly identifies trends that are already in place or about to start a new trend. It takes the leg work out at looking at every single chart, there by saving time and money. I can say I'm truly pleased with MarketClub and what it has to offer. I can tell right now, I'll be a member for years to come." ~ Jeremy N., Illinois

To send your own success story, please email bl**@in*.com. We wish all of our members the best and we look forward to hearing your success story.

9 thoughts on “Saturday Success Story - Jeremy, Illinois

  1. I am member of marketclub. I like and respect knowlege, honesty and integrety he has, and his unbias analysis of market and his very valuable wisdom he has got through his 3 decades of time investment and his passion to help everybody. Adam you are really great please keep up your good work. We all member likes you, you are the best.
    God bless

  2. Hi Kevin,

    My name is Michelle and I am on the Customer Support Team for and MarketClub. I just wanted to introduce myself and give you a direct contact at MarketClub to help with anything that you may need to help you get started with learning the service or if you have any future Customer Support needs. All my contact information is below please do not hesitate to call me.

    Here is a direct link to our Help Section. Under members videos, you will find all our recent webinars.

    I look forward to working with you and I hope that you have a great week.


    Michelle Boswell
    1-800-538-7424 ext 128
    Customer Support
    INO.COM & MarketClub

  3. Adam, I would like to compliment you on your response to the 1-17 comment above. Your response shows alot of character. As a new member, I am looking forward to learning how to fully utilize the tools provided by MarketClub. By the way, congrats on your daughter's wedding. My daughter is heading to college next year and it's going to be very hard on me to see her go. I can't imagine her getting married one day. I may email you for advice!

    Best Regards,

    Kevin G. White
    KGW Real Estate

  4. Hey Adam, do you print out the complaints of people who have lost their money with your little colored triangles? I seriously doubt it. I know you'll never have the courage to post this, but let's hear it! How many complaints do you get for every 'success' story you print? Besides, who even knows if any of these people are real. You're a moneychanger and a shyster, Hewison. Sure, like every casino, there are going to be some winners. But you work for the house (the bankers) and we know the house always wins in the end.

    From one guys how knows how it is. Can't hide from the truth, Adam.

    1. Casino Charley,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      I am on route back to the States and I am answering your post from Auckland, New Zealand where I have been attending my daughters wedding.

      Here are the answers and response to your comments:

      * It is impossible to answer your question on how many complaints we get for every success story we publish. In the time we have published MarketClub which is close to seven years, I can count on one hand the number of actual complaints we have received.

      * All the testimonials are from actual members.

      * No one is hiding from the truth as you suggest.

      What bothers me with your comments is that you personally call me a money changer and a shyster when you do not personally know me. This shows a level of disrespect towards me and for what our company and staff stand for.

      You can choose to do business or not do business with our company. The choice is yours not mine.

      I wish you every success in the future.

      Adam Hewison
      Co-founder on MarketClub.

    2. It amazes me how Casino Charley can be so insulting. He obviously knows nothing about market club or Adam; I have been a member for 3 years and once you are a member everything is explained to you very clearly so that you can take responsibility for your trading, there is nothing hidden; also Adam is one of the most open and authentic guys I have come across in the trading world, something I am sure all market club members would agree with, so to insult him in such a way is totally unjustified.

      May I suggest the problem lies with casino charlie with his cynical attitude and victim mentality and not with market club.

      He should wake up to this "truth"... and "no" nobody has asked me to write this comment.

  5. Jeremy,
    How do you use smart scan. What are you looking for to make decision related to triangle. It may be dum questions, but I am new and I only buy stocks and has difficulty to make decision going forward based on past triangles. I appreciate if you elaborate.
    Thank you,

    1. Hitesh,

      I know you would like for Jeremy N. to respond to your questions and I hope he does. However, I wanted to pass along the situations in which Smart Scan would look for.

      New 1 Week High : These are charts making new one week highs. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly.

      New 1 Week Low : These are charts making new one week lows. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly.

      New 3 Week High : These are charts making new three week highs. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly.

      New 3 Week Low :These are charts making new three week lows. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly.

      New 4 Week High : These are charts making new four week highs. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly.

      New 4 Week Low : These are charts making new four week lows. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly.

      New 52 Week High : These are charts making new 52-week highs. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly.

      New 52 Week Low : These are charts making new 52-week lows. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly.

      Strong DMA Trends : These are charts showing very strong trend patterns, with daily moving averages recently increasing over past performance. (10dma > 20dma > 50dma) Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly.

      Weak DMA Trends : These are charts showing very weak trend patterns, with daily moving averages recently decreasing under past performance. (10dma < 20dma < 50dma) Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis +100 : These are charts showing very strong trend patterns, with a Chart Analysis score of +100 Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis -100 : These are charts showing very strong trend patterns, with a Chart Analysis score of -100 Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis +90 : Long Term Up : These are positive longer term charts, look for these markets to remain firm. Strong uptrends. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis -90 : Long Term Down : These are negative longer term charts, look for these markets to remain weak. Strong downtrends. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis -85 : Short Term Up : These are short term counter trends, look for longer term positive trends to resume when action is over. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis +85 : Short Term Down : These are short term counter trends, look for longer term negative trends to resume when action is over. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis +75 : Near Term Weakness : These are showing some near term weakness. However, this market remains in the confines of a longer term uptrend. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis -75 : Near Term Rally : These are showing some near term rallying power. However, this market remains in the confines of a longer term downtrend. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis +65 : Weak Up : The positive longer term is weakening. The market action could signal the start of a major trend change. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis -65 : Weak Down : The negative longer term is strengthening. The market action could signal the start of a major trend change. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis +60 : Crossroads Up : The current upward trend is at a crossroads and has possibly ended. Look for choppy trading action in the near-term. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis -60 : Crossroads Down : The current downward trend is at a crossroads and has possibly ended. Look for choppy trading action in the near-term. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis -55/+55 : Sidelines :These are charts with a counter trend rally underway. The current up-trend could be changing and moving into a trading range. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Chart Analysis -50/+50 : Trading Range : These are charts indicating that the trend for this market is at a crossroads and has possibly ended. Look for choppy trading conditions in the near term. Be sure to verify the current Chart Analysis score and use money management stops as markets change rapidly. Our Support Team would be more than happy to help you answer your questions about MarketClub and Smart Scan. Please give them a call at 1-800-538-7424 or by emailing su*****@in*.com.

      Best Wishes,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

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