Where should YOU be in the S&P 500?

Hello this is Adam Hewison and I’ve just returned from my daughter's wedding in New Zealand to see that we have some very interesting markets to start the New Year.

In today's short video we take a fresh look the S&P 500 and what we think it is going to do in 2010. We will also be looking at an important “Trade Triangle” that has just flashed an important signal for this index.

As always our videos are educational, free to watch, and there's no need to register. Enjoy the video and please feel free to leave your comments on our blog.

All the best to you in 2010,

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub

12 thoughts on “Where should YOU be in the S&P 500?

  1. Best comments I have found is by DG, don't worry about being 10% behind the move, better for the confirmation. Then on the sell side, most of the money is made by the investors who sell ahead of the last 30% of the move. Do not beat yourself up for missing the exact timing of either trade-it is impossible anyway. Investors who sold gold at 1190, have done very well, though they missed a little of the run over 1200.

    Not that I have always followed my own advice, but am learning.

    Enjoy the observations of all


  2. Larry...Just a suggestion: I wouldn't combine basis economics/finance with technical trading. There are hundreds of examples of companies with no earnings whose stock has skyrocketed and companies with excellent earnings whose stock has tanked. The price of the stock is the ultimate judge; none of us are going to out-trade the market maker and hedge fund guys who wake up and go to bed every day thinking about their investments. But we CAN follow them!! Just a thought. Regards.

  3. Novatos,
    The number one mistake made by traders trying to time turn-arounds is that they get in too early. They either get whip-sawed in and out if they use stops or they stand by and watch the rally upwards after taking a short position. It comes down to a risk-reward calculation: if it's a major trend change, you wait to see it then enter -- you miss out on the lower 10% but you're safe. If it's a minor trend change or a mis-read on your part, you put up the same capital as for the major trend change, but your risk of loss is much higher. So why do it? I would just wait to confirm...I know a lot of mining industry people calling for $1500 gold in the next 2 months....be careful!

  4. Hi Adam,

    Wellcome back and hope you had good time in NZ with family event.

    Good to have short videos now.
    We heard some enhancements coming to Market Club.
    Hope "company name on chart" is one of them and better Webinar recordings!!

    Keep up with the good video.

  5. Adam, thanks for the update and reminder about how the triangles will work to my advantage.
    Having lost in the 07-09 Bear, I'm a bit nervous now.
    Using the triangles and the SH (or SDS) and the SPY (or SSO),
    I hope to stay ahead of the game whether the market is Bull or Bear.

  6. Where do you get that amazing tool in the video that you use to give you the charts along with their signals?

    1. Brad,

      I'm not sure if I understand exactly what you are referring to. Are you talking about MarketClub as a analytical service which provides charts, new, quotes, signals, technical analysis?

      You can learn about MarketClub by visiting our help section at http://www.marketclub.com/help, or by contacting our Support Team by calling 1-800-538-7424 or by emailing su*****@in*.com.

      Best Wishes,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development
      INO.com & MarketClub

  7. Good call. May test 1013 area. Trend may be up BUT reality is NO JOBS!! If they start being created (JOBS) --10/15 MILLION needed--probably at lower pay & fewer benefits. Need 5 to 7 years--just to get near previos level. This does NOT include the Additional 2 Million jobs per Year required by students &/or immigration. Longer term, MAJOR PROBLEM. Trend maybe up, reality differs. Recovery, what recvery!!!!!!!!! Caution/caution/caution longer term. Get out & maybe stay out unless you are a short term trader!!!!!!! Buy & Hold dead & buried!!!!!!!

  8. Bonjour Adam, 🙂

    Hope that you had a great time in NZ. Best wishes to your daughter and her husband. May they be very happy !!

    Nice to have you back and nice to have those short videos back as well. I have been missing them.

    Happy New Year,


  9. Thank you! It was a great help for me.

    As I can see, weekly S&P500 default (12 26 9) MACD-hist is changing from positive to negative. Also, I can see the bullish trendline has been broken on Thursday and, finally, there are no new higher highs and higher lows. So, it looks like a major trend swap.

    The problem is I don't want to miss the opportunity to open short positions if a mayor trend change is taking place, but I don't want to trade against the main trend, though.

    If this is just a mere big pullback, I don't want to enter (short) the market, but if it's the begining of bears kindom, I want to be there.

    How could I know?

    The only indicator I have, that says "no" to bearish thinking is my weekly moving average (WMA30) which is still pointing upwards.

    You recomend to stay away (I suppose you think it's just a pullback). My question is, what should I look at to decide whether it is just a pullback or a major trend change?

    I don't want to rely solely on trade triangles. I need something I have complete control of. It should be something almost obvious to me!

    Thanks in advance and congrats!

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