Snowmageddon, Part 2


We're still snowed in. Well, I guess it would be snowed out of our offices. With the promise of another couple feet of snow and lots of packed snow and ice still on the roads, we would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to our staff.

Not to worry though, we've all been to the store to pick through the last few eggs and grab a stickerless, mystery gallon of milk at the grocery store with everyone else on the east coast.

We hope that anyone else who is bearing this storm along with us stays safe and warm and we hope to get back to normal as soon as possible!

Best wishes,

Susan Jackson
Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub

If you are a MarketClub or INO TV member, you may still reach us via email at su*****@in*.com and we will respond as soon as possible.

26 thoughts on “Snowmageddon, Part 2

  1. well, here in berlin where the sun hasnt shined in months, they havent cleaned the snow from Christmas, it makes a nice icy layer under the new dustings we have received in the past few weeks.

    being from NY, I miss the bright cold, the snow against blue crisp skies - here they whine as it is under O degrees, hah, that is 32 for us and we dont whine til it is 11 below zero - Farenheit. they dont even shovel snow, they have these little trucks with stiff red brooms, and they think that should do it....and of course they are eco correct, so there is no salt. I broke my arm otherwise, but 1/3 of the people at my doctors have broken something by falling on the icy sidewalks - Berlin has more than a third of its population in the geriatric set, and they dont give any tickets to anyone, even though the high streets as well as the side streets are still ice encrusted, with no excuse but laziness and a complete disregard for their fellow Berliners well/being.

  2. well since we now have frost free refrigerators here in nova scotia we no longer have 12 foot snowbanks in our yards.its winter,so expect snow and do what we do;WAIT FOR SPRING!or go south for a short vacation and curse the winter! LOL.Doc.

  3. Just wanted to share the 12 foot snow pile in my front yard. Hope everyone else is warm.


    Lindsay Thompson & MarketClub

    1. Mike,

      I wish I were a pre-teen again running a temporary snow shoveling business. I'd be a billionaire!

      Lindsay Thompson & MarketClub

  4. I heard about a storm they had in the U.P. of Michigan;up to 44" of snow with 90 m.p.h. winds. The pictures were literally amazing. Where were the bailouts then? No Obama, no ball headed Bernanke, no Geithner, no press. They did what we do in the north country;get down to business, get it done and help your neighbor. Help your neighbor; the original bailout.........

  5. Hi all.Really sorry you are not all snowed " IN " the office, coz were all missing you !!
    Just kidding,a little.
    Hope your are all safe and look forward to having you back soon.
    Im in Scotland.had a wee bit snow few weeks ago but nothin like this.

    Alistair, where about in Scotland are you? Im in Dunfermline.

    susi 🙂

  6. take care all at INO. 2 years ago Seattle was burried under snow and crippled by windstorms that left us without power for 10 days. Getting gas for your car becomes near impossible, with massive lines at the stations that are accessible and have power. Groceries become scarce as delivery trucks are unable to reach stores.


    Global Warming my Tuchas

    1. Hi Steve,

      I went to the grocery store yesterday before the storm hit and they had nothing! I know that for some of the country they are looking at Maryland like we're a bunch of babies, but they can say what they want. This is unheard of for us. I wish I had my camera cord so I could upload a picture of a 13 foot pile in my front yard courtesy of my neighborhood snow plows.

      Lindsay Thompson & MarketClub

      1. Well I guess you weren't around for the blizzard of '66. Catonsville is where I learned how to build snow forts and snowmen. It's come in handy way up here in northernmost NH. I can also remember being knee deep in snow on halloween down there !!


  7. Hey Susan,

    I feel for you!!! I'm in Chicago where we're getting our lumps right now. I live on the 55th floor on the Drive where I can usually see the curvature of the earth. As of right now the whole earth has disappeared!!!

    Stay safe and all of you enjoy your well deserved time off.

    Citidude Chris!

    1. Hi Chris,

      Wow, sounds like a great view. At least you don't have to shovel, right?

      I think we might be seeing that part of the action now as well. It wasn't too bad last night and into this morning, but now it's really picking up and blizzard conditions are expected into the afternoon.

      Stay warm!

      Susan Jackson
      Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub

  8. Looks like nature is a little mixed up. The snow was needed at the Vancouver Winter Olympics, we didn't get our greater share this year.

    Almost snowless in Vancouver.

    Take care.


    1. Hi Rup,

      We'd be happy to box it up and send it over. I think we've had more than our share!

      Susan Jackson
      Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub

  9. As one of your UK members, this is truly beyond our ken. London (not that I live there) was totally at a standstill with four inches of the stuff. Scotland, where I am, survived eight to ten inches without too much hassle. Last time we were snowed in like you was '47. Take care, be safe!

    1. It's a bit of a hassle at this point, but I think we're all trying to make the best of it. If nothing else, it gives us the opportunity to slow down and enjoy time with loved ones.

      Susan Jackson
      Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub

    1. I'm in northernmost New Hampshire but have most of my relatives in New Jersey. To us, these storms are common. We spend six months battling winter and six months getting ready for it. It's not uncommon to go weeks with snow every day. So I think it's kind of funny to see how they react to snow down below. To us it's just business as usual.


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