6 Trader Strategies You'll Be Thankful For This Holiday Season

The market continues to trend up while we're just weeks away from the holiday rush. In 2013 we’ve seen a market that's treated many of us quite well and given us plenty to be thankful for. Many of you rode Telsa to the bank, got on board the Yahoo bandwagon, or enjoyed watching Netflix for reasons other than movie marathons.

In hindsight the year was incredible, but it didn’t always feel that way. With eleven months behind us, we approach the home stretch and there are still many uncertainties keeping traders up at night.

When will the market top?

How will everything play out with the FED?

What’s going to happen with China?

Is this Bitcoin thing the real deal or just another Beanie Baby?

No one can confidently answer these questions. Some traders will comb through as much research as possible, make an educated prediction, and trade or invest accordingly. Most traders will predict wrong and most traders will lose money.

Successful fund managers and veteran traders avoid these risks all together. They're equipped with tools and strategies that are rarely affected by the majority of market issues.

Regardless if you're an options trader, equities traders, swing trader or day trader, there's always a way to profit in the market. You just have to find it and stick to it.

On November 20th and 21st, you'll have the chance to find six of these strategies as Marketfy hosts their first ever Holiday Trading Summit.

Over the course of two days, six different equities and options traders will come together and reveal the strategies that have kept them secure in all types of market conditions.

In the spirit of the holidays, Marketfy.com will also be donating a holiday meal to City Harvest, for every person who signs up to this free event.

If you trade options or equities, one of these six strategies will fit your trading style.

Candlestick guru, Stephen Bigalow, will be revealing the early warning signals for reversal alerts. Bigalow has spent the last thirty years applying his Business & Economics degree from Cornell University to the investment and trading world. He's authored three top selling investment books and is an active member of AAPTA - the American Association of Professional Traders.

RealMoney (TheStreet.com) experts, Timothy Collins and Bob Byrne will be showing you how to profit from volume profiling and weekly options. Collins' experience in the market ranges from helping individuals with portfolio customization to managing multiple hedge funds. Byne, a full-time private day-trader has ten years of experience using technical analysis and using a proprietary volume profiling technique.

Options tape reader, Anand Sangvhi ("Sang") will teach you a five-point checklist for exiting your trades at the right time. Sang, a former corporate grinder, quickly learned in 2006 that trading options using time tape reading was more profitable than a boring 9 to 5 job. Since then, his company SangLucci has become one of the leading experts in options tape reading.

Credit Spread master and former financial CFO, Nic Chahine, will show you how to master credit spreads in any market condition. Chahine began mastering options spreads after an internet venture left him plenty of money and time to pursue his passion of the markets. Since then, he's launched his own successful fund and honed the skill of gauging risk and maximizing potential.

Swing trading veteran, Serge Berger, will explain how to combine candlesticks with swing trading. Berger has been an active trader since 1998 while spending time at JP Morgan and an equity, options, and futures proprietary firm. His methods of dividing the markets into separate time frames and characters allows him to remove emotion from the decision making process.

Trader and entrepreneur, Hubert Senters, will provide a strategy that allows you to risk $156 to potentially make $1,000. Senters has built his trading skills and companies on the philosophy that, "if you need to accomplish something in life, find someone who is passionate about the topic of your interest and learn everything they know about it." Senters and his companies have been featured on Bloomberg, CNN, CNBC, and the Trading Expo.

To join Marketfy's first ever Holiday Trading Summit, register for free at the link provided below. Your registration will result in a holiday meal donation to City Harvest, for a child in need.

Click here to register for the Holiday Trading Summit while seats remain available!

One thought on “6 Trader Strategies You'll Be Thankful For This Holiday Season

  1. Please it's complicated to me.why because I am interesting in the ino n trader market.so I need an explanation of this

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