What A Week And It's Not Over Yet

Make no mistake about it, this past week has been very volatile with 200 point swings in the DOW becoming almost a daily occurrence.

But, guess what?

The markets are practically unchanged from last Friday's close. In fact, the the DOW and S&P 500 are up 0.20% and 0.26% respectively as of the close of business Thursday. Only the NASDAQ is down for the week with a very minor loss of 0.13%. All that could change today as traders are faced with the decision of what to with their stocks. Fridays tend to be decision day for many traders when they ask themselves, "Do I want to be short this market for the weekend, or should I be on the sidelines"?

Do you remember those 3 stocks that I highlighted on Monday? Well, I'm happy to report that all 3 stocks are positive for the week.

Xcel Energy Inc. (NYSE:XEL)
Southern Company (NYSE:SO)
Dominion Resources Inc. (NYSE:D)

Xcel Energy Inc. closed on Monday at $34.93. Closed Thursday @ $35.58.
Southern Company closed on Monday at $45.44. Closed Thursday @ $46.17.
Dominion Resources Inc. closed on Monday at $72.33. Closed Thursday @ $74.94.

So if you followed my Monday post you should be sitting in a pretty happy place right now. You would also have avoided much of the volatility that was taking place all week in other markets.

In today's video, I will be looking at gold which has clawed its way back and closed Thursday with a gain of 2.8% for the week. Finally the gold bulls are catching their breath in what has been a dramatic loss of value for this once precious metal.

The euro has continued to improve and is up 1.8% for the week. This is pretty dramatic and goes against practically all conventional wisdom on the euro which was expected to crash. That is one of the reasons why I love the Trade Triangle technology, not only did it catch the 3 stocks I mentioned earlier, but it also caught the move up in the euro.

Crude oil is down 3.71% for the week. Q2 can be a difficult trading quarter for crude oil, but I'm happy to report that the Trade Triangles have made it all back and more with this current bear trend.

Have a great trading day and a relaxing weekend.

Every success with MarketClub,
Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-Creator, MarketClub