S&P 500 First To Trigger Weekly Exit

The S&P 500 issued a new red weekly Trade Triangle today. Could this be the first step in a larger pullback for the market, and could it be signaling the end of the bear market rally?

How soon before the DOW and NASDAQ follow suit? Leave a comment and let me know.

S&P 500 Red Weekly TT

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Every Success,
Jeremy Lutz
INO.com and MarketClub.com

5 thoughts on “S&P 500 First To Trigger Weekly Exit

  1. Don't think that Fed's "unlimited" money printing will keep this stock market bubble going much longer.

  2. Democrats are hoping a recession will defeat Trump in November and are grasping at straws. Everv indicator is touted
    Here is an indicator that will dominate.
    Remember Fritz Mondale ? He said if I'm elected I'll raise your taxes. If Reagan is elected he will raise your taxes. He lost
    Biden has said he will reverse Trump's tax cuts if elected. He will join Mondale on the loser's list

  3. I think you are 180 off on your prediction! My weekly chart (EMA 10 cross thru SMA 18) is issuing a buy signal as we speak.

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