10% Of Traders Go Bankrupt

One of our most requested Guest Bloggers is Mark McRae, author of Traders Secret Code, and today I'd like you all to welcome him back! I've asked Mark to touch on a subject that most seasoned traders know, and rookie traders don't want to hear...most traders fail and a percentage of those failures turn into bankruptcy! Please read the article, comment to Mark or about the ideas, and check out Marks Traders Secret Code.


I was thinking about an article I read some time ago that 90% of traders who ever trade lose their account and that 10% actually go bankrupt. If the first number doesn't scare you then the second definitely should.

Why is it then that there is such a large number of traders failing? It is not because they are stupid; in fact most traders have an above average IQ and are above average in most categories such as education and income. So why do they fail?

Lack of trading education! ( INO TV will help solve this problem!)

By education I don't just mean learning how RSI works or drawing lines on a chart. I mean thoroughly educating yourself in all aspects of your chosen profession.

Educating yourself on the correct psychological approach to the market! Educating yourself in the correct risk management techniques relative to your account size. Educating yourself in the correct entry and exit methods for the trading style that suits you.

This, my friend, is where I hope to be of some help. I don't have all the answers nor do I profess to be some kind of guru but I will do my best to point you in the right direction.

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