One Sentiment Gauge in Europe Reaches Epic Proportion

A visual history of complacency and fear as seen by the 10-year spread over German Bunds

By: Elliott Wave International

The one-two punch 2014 winter storms that battered the southeastern United States left $13.5 million in damages in Georgia alone and thousands of residents displaced due to burst pipes and power outages. I am one of the displaced. Three months after the flood, I'm still living out of suitcases in a hotel while my apartment gets rebuilt.

I'm ashamed to admit before Icepocalypse, I had the least comprehensive homeowner's insurance. Why bother, I thought. This is Atlanta. The only blizzard this city's seen in the last decade is on the dessert menu at Dairy Queen.

But now, you better believe the first thing I'm going to do when I move back in is upgrade my policy to cover all and any acts of man and God -- fire, tornado, sharknado, alien invasion, you name it.

It's human nature. You can never truly prepare for the worst until you experience it first-hand. Then, and only then, do you go above and beyond to protect your health and welfare. Continue reading "One Sentiment Gauge in Europe Reaches Epic Proportion"