A Postcard From Maine & A Business Thought Too

Every so often it's important to take a break from the market or business in general. So this past weekend, my wife and I took off for a long weekend in Maine where we have a summer house.

I always enjoy going back to Maine, as it reminds me of my roots in the north of England. I love the rocky coastline and the coastal air which always seems so fresh to me.

Another big attraction is my father-in-law who is one of the most interesting men I've ever met. This past Saturday we all went out as a family to have a nice dinner with my father-in-law, his wife Jean and my wife Sally. We had a wonderful dinner and great conversation fueled by nice wine. It was during this dinner that my father-in-law put these words in my mind which I want to share with you today.

We've all heard the expression lately that a company is too big to fail. But my father-in-law in his wisdom came up with the opposite of that and said, “companies are too small to succeed.” Continue reading "A Postcard From Maine & A Business Thought Too"