Top Five Reasons Why the Fed Won't Raise Rates This Month

George Yacik - Contributor - Fed & Interest Rates

Eric Rosengren, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, singlehandedly spooked the financial markets last Friday when he commented that “a reasonable case can be made” for the Fed to start raising interest rates soon, which traders and investors interpreted to mean as early as next week’s FOMC monetary policy meeting.

“If we want to ensure that we remain at full employment, gradual tightening is likely to be appropriate,” Rosengren said. “A failure to continue on the path of gradual removal of accommodation could shorten, rather than lengthen, the duration of this recovery.”

While I certainly don’t have any issue with what Rosengren said – I think the Fed should have started raising rates two years ago – I’m a little puzzled what exactly he said that put the markets to flight. He didn’t seem to say anything that other Fed officials, including Janet Yellen, hadn’t also said periodically recently, plus he didn’t offer any imminent schedule for raising rates. Yet that was apparently enough to get stock and bond traders to bail. Continue reading "Top Five Reasons Why the Fed Won't Raise Rates This Month"

Same Old, Same Old From The Fed

George Yacik - Contributor - Fed & Interest Rates

If we’re to believe the financial press, there is at least a 50-50 chance the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates at its next meeting on September 20-21. I’ll believe it when it actually happens – but not a minute before then.

The Wall Street Journal story on the release of the minutes of the Fed’s July 26-27 meeting last week, written by its senior Fed watcher Jon Hilsenrath, said the Fed announcement “suggested a rate increase is a possibility as early as September, but that the Fed won’t commit to moving until a stronger consensus can be reached about the outlook for growth, hiring and inflation.”

But haven’t we heard that before? All the Fed did was provide more of the same “let’s wait and see what happens before we do anything” prevarications.

“Members generally agreed that, before taking another step in removing monetary accommodation, it was prudent to accumulate more data in order to gauge the underlying momentum in the labor market and economic activity,” the Fed minutes actually said. “Members judged it appropriate to continue to leave their policy options open and maintain the flexibility to adjust the stance of policy based on incoming information.”

Sound familiar? Continue reading "Same Old, Same Old From The Fed"

The Bond Market Gets Curiouser and Curioser

George Yacik - Contributor - Fed & Interest Rates

Sometimes the smartest thing is to do nothing.

This column has been pretty harsh on the Federal Reserve for its failure to start tightening monetary policy, as it sort of promised it would back in December. Since then, there’s been a steady stream of “yes we will, no we won’t” pronouncements from the Fed – both from the Fed itself and its individual members – that have left investors confused about the direction of U.S. monetary policy. Now, nine months later, the Fed has still not made the next move in “normalizing” interest rates.

A Reuters survey released last week found that 69 of 95 – that’s nearly three out of four – economists don’t expect the Fed to raise rates until December, after the presidential election, followed by two more hikes next year. We’ll see. Continue reading "The Bond Market Gets Curiouser and Curioser"

When Did Market Stability Become A Fed Mandate?

George Yacik - Contributor - Fed & Interest Rates

According to the Federal Reserve Act, in which Congress created the Federal Reserve System back in 1913, the U.S. central bank was given the following statutory objectives for conducting monetary policy: maximum employment, stable prices and moderate long-term interest rates.

The Fed has since given itself an additional mandate: market stability. Congress didn’t grant the Fed that power, but that seems to be the Fed’s overriding concern lately. In the process, it’s succeeded in creating what some very smart people believe is the biggest bond bubble of all time, and a pretty big one in equities, too. It’s pushed more and more of the country’s wealth into the pockets of the so-called 1%. It’s also given some people a false sense of financial security that the Fed has created a floor – a guaranteed return, if you will – under which investment returns will not be allowed to fall. Continue reading "When Did Market Stability Become A Fed Mandate?"

Five Ways to Stay Focused In Scary Markets

If you follow our blog, then you are definitely familiar with trader Larry Levin, President of Trading Advantage LLC. We have gotten such a great response from some of his past posts that he has agreed to share one more of his favorite trading tips as a special treat to our viewers. Determining the direction of the market can be tricky and just plain confusing at times, but Larry’s expert opinion keeps it simple. If you like this article, Larry's also agreed to give you free access to his favorite technique.
Five Ways to Stay Focused In Scary Markets

In the fallout from the 2008 global financial crisis, there have been moments that have been driven by pure fear. These are the moments when it can be hard to maintain your composure and trade your plan. Unfortunately, these big days are the times when you need that composure the most. Here is a quick lesson in why it is important to keep focused in a scary market and how to achieve that focus.

Market Basics

First let us understand some market basics. Markets exist to facilitate trade. From moment to moment the market offers traders the opportunity to profit from price movement. It's an environment where every trader has the freedom to create his own results, i.e. all the choices and the power to exercise those choices reside with the trader.

'Scary' implies fear, anxiety, or insecurity. Continue reading "Five Ways to Stay Focused In Scary Markets"