Did Bill Ackman Get Valeant (VRX) Wrong?

There is a lot of talk today about the stock Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. (NYSE:VRX) from one of its largest shareholders, Bill Ackman. You may remember Mr. Ackman from his ill-fated forays into JCPenney, Herbalife and Target.

Today he is defending (via a conference call) one of his biggest investments in Canadian pharmaceutical company, Valeant. This stock was very instrumental in helping Mr. Ackman's Pershing Square Capital be the best-performing hedge fund last year, with a return of 40.4%. This year it's another story as this stock has tanked and Pershing has a reported paper loss of 1.5 billion dollars. Allegations of impropriety and finagling its sales and the way it does business have all contributed to Valeant's slide in the marketplace. Continue reading "Did Bill Ackman Get Valeant (VRX) Wrong?"