Where will Twitter (TWTR) close today?

Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) opened its IPO at $45.10 this morning. Investors are scrambling to get a piece of what they hope will be the next blockbuster social media company after Facebook (NASDAQ:FB). According to Dealogic, the average one day pop for U.S. listed technology or Internet IPOs is 35%. That leads us to the poll question of the day....

Where will Twitter (TWTR) close today?

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Twitter faces a slew of hurdles heading into IPO

Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) has built a digital town square that's teeming with activity but riddled with financial potholes. Seven years after co-founder Jack Dorsey sent the first tweet through the online messaging service, more than 500 million posts are shared each day by everyone from the Dalai Lama to Justin Bieber.

But all the chirping hasn't translated to profits nor is it expected to any time soon.

As Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) prepares to complete its initial public offering of stock this week, the San Francisco company's history of losses totaling nearly $500 million is raising questions about its ability to turn a cultural phenomenon into a sustainable business. Continue reading "Twitter faces a slew of hurdles heading into IPO"