Today's Video Newsletter: Slap on an Apple, and plug in a Tesla

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Thursday, the 21st of February.

In addition to the markets we normally report on, we will also be looking at the following markets using our Trade Triangle technology.

First filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office in August 2011 and just discovered today by, is Apple's patent for a “bi-stable spring with flexible display.” In other words, this could be the long-rumored iWatch. Here is what the patent states: With touch screen user input, a user can accomplish a number of different tasks including adjusting the order of a current playlist, and reviewing a list of recent phone calls. A response to a current text message can even be managed given a simple virtual keyboard configuration across the face of the flexible display. We will be looking at Apple (AAPL) today with our Trade Triangle technology to see if this new patent discovery moved the needle or if it makes sense technically to buy, sell, or take a rain-check on this stock. Continue reading "Today's Video Newsletter: Slap on an Apple, and plug in a Tesla"