Update on the crude oil market ... New Video

I’ve wanted to do an update on the crude oil market for a few days now, but unfortunately time got away from me. In my new video on crude oil, I update some of the thoughts I had before, but also some important elements that are still in play and could push this market significantly higher.

In this new video I outline the key support zone that I see and also highlight some other technical elements could come into play to push this market higher.

As always our MarketClub videos are free to watch and there is no need to register. Please leave us a comment on the blog and let us know what you think.

All the best,
Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub

Crude Oil ... Going Higher?

A Quick Update on the Crude Oil Market

I was just looking at the charts and they are beginning to look very, very bullish. The formation I show you in today's video is a classic continuation pattern to the upside. This pattern also confirms a Fibonacci target number we are looking at.

This video is short and to the point and I think it will get you thinking about this energy market.

Continue reading "Crude Oil ... Going Higher?"

How low can crude oil go? (New Video)

How low can crude oil go?

After trading as high as $73 a barrel, crude oil began to buckle under pressure as the CFTC began to look into position limits that can be held by traders.

In my new video you will see what has happened to crude oil in the last eight days. You'll will also see what I believe will be the area that crude oil will find support.

You can watch this video with my compliments and there is no registration requirements. I would love to get your feedback about this video on our blog.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub

Is crude oil headed for $100 a barrel? New Video

Today we're going to be looking at the crude oil (NYMEX_CL) market. This market has rapidly become the world currency of choice for many countries. What do I mean by that? With the dollar going down in value, it automatically pushes the value of crude oil higher.

I analyze the July electronic contract for crude oil (NYMEX_CLN09.E) using some very simple tools that you can pull into your own trading. I've used our Fibonacci measurement tool as well as a classic chart pattern that has been around for over half a century.

Continue reading "Is crude oil headed for $100 a barrel? New Video"

Trade the market and not the economy.

What do I mean when I say... trade the market and not the economy? It may sound like I'm saying to trade the same thing... but in many cases they're different. The difference is that the market is driven by fear and greed, while the economy is driven by fundamentals. Our "Trade Triangle" technology allows us to analyze the market... leaving the fundamentals and our own emotions at the door. Let's look at some of the major markets and see which direction the trend is headed:Crude Video

* The equity markets are still in a negative trend.

* Crude oil is still in a negative trend.

* Gold is in an erratic upward trend.

* The dollar is also in an erratic upward trend.

All of these markets are still in entrenched trends and there is no reason to suggest that they will be reversing anytime soon.

I have just finished a short video on crude oil (NYMEX:CL). This market is making moves, which I will tell you all about using the "Trade Triangle" technology which I helped to create.

We recently received a trading signal in this market which I think is an important one. You will also get a chance to see several of the previous signals that were issued. The video is definitely worth watching for that benefit alone.

Watch Video Here

The silly season which we talked about in December is rapidly coming to a close. I would expect that the volume and liquidity will return to the markets by the 15th of January. So get ready... cause there is money to be made.

Enjoy the video and by all means, give us a call at 1-800-538-7424 if you have any questions about the video.

Many thanks,

Adam Hewison

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub