Is the other shoe about to fall today? (Video)

On December 3rd of 2008, I wrote a blog post entitled, "Waiting for the other shoe to drop." Well today another shoe could fall if we break below the the levels listed below. You can see more on this based on my last video. See here.

Many experts have been predicting that we have made a low in the market. I'm not so sure.

Key levels today: S&P 500: 878.94  DOW: 8,221.00  NASDAQ: 1753.78

The fact is, we are probably still in a bear market and bear markets tend to be very different from bull markets. Bear markets just claw you under and sink under their own weight.

You can watch this video with my compliments and there is no registration requirements. I would love to get your feedback about this video on our blog.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

17 thoughts on “Is the other shoe about to fall today? (Video)

  1. We are going into earnings reporting and they will do everything possible to keep this market up until earnings are overwith. If the the banks breach their secondary offering levels then look out.

    I'm betting they can rally this market one more time to the SPY ~94/95 level to shake out the shorts before it finally corrects.

  2. Markets do-do what they're going to do!

    What SPY does over the next fortnight time will only tell. But kudos to Adam for putting his perspective out there loud and clear and with no ambiguity. His view on the stox and gold are clear as day, and if it doesn't play out acc. to plan I'm cool with that. Compared to him I'm a waffle.

  3. u are not always right ,i miss the up sing of the s&p in march ,u video were convince we were in bear market ,and u recommanded to stay on the side line ..TX

  4. Thanks for the reminder to view this video. Seems the Puppet Masters are working overtime to keep the markets up. However, the Markets will ultimately win; as markets do what markets want to do when they want to do it, no matter what!

  5. Is INO a scam?
    I´ve been thinking of joining market club and been mailing support at INO several times with a few simple questions and never even recieved a reply.
    Does anyone have good experience of INO?

    1. Wolf,

      I apologize if we have missed your previous emails. I will be more than happy to answer any and all questions you have concerning and MarketClub. Please refer to the email I sent you to contact me.


      Jeremy Lutz
      Head of Technical Support & MarketClub

      1. Hello Jeremy,

        I am member of Market Club AND INO TV - and like your Services.
        By the way : I also wrote 2 emails and got no answer, but I think you are a good company nevertheless.
        Maybe you might consider a better, easier and quicker feedback service for your customers.

        My questions : when will you start realtime services? The market needs that!

        And : Could please give also the 3 - 5 letter codes of a stock as well as their names in portfolio?
        I like sorting the triangles in ascending and descending order, but the result is always the full name of a stock (i.e. "Dryships") - and I then always have to search the letter code (" DRYS ").

        It would be fine as well if I could display/filter all stocks that are now above and/or below a moving average (or even 2 or 3 MAs: for example above MA20 AND above MA50 AND above MA200) that I can define myself - and filter them then by price (i.e. >= 10 USD)

        Last not least : when will your FOREX Club start?

        Have a nice day!

        With kind regards from Germany

        Ralph Gnath

        1. Ralph,

          I apologize if we have missed your previous emails.

          We will be adding real time stock quotes for the U.S. market within the next few months. We already offer real time quotes for Forex within MarketClub at the present time.

          As part of our promise to constantly update MarketClub we are currently working on several updates that will include a better search function as well as a new portfolio manager that will offer greater flexibility within MarketClub. I don't have an exact date for these upgrades to be unveiled, but rest assured that they are on the way. Stay tuned for exciting things to come.

          As far as ForexClub is concerned I know that it is still under development, but it's been pushed back until all the upgrades and improvements are completed for MarketClub.

          Thank you for your feedback. It's always greatly appreciated from our members as we strive to produce the best product for you that we can.

          Have a great week.

          Jeremy Lutz
          Head of Technical Support
 & MarketClub

    2. Market Club/INO is a good service. I've subscribed for well over a year. I also believe they have a money back guarantee for at least 30 days, at least the did when I joined.

    3. I received a reply to a comment such as this within 24 hours. The reply contained all the information I needed and more. So far I have had excellent experience with this organization.

  6. Your chart does not show the 50ma or the 200ma, price is now between both of these having fallen thru the 50ma. Also I have been watching for the past 2 weeks to see what happens because of a possible reverse head and shoulder forming and not a channel as you discussed. It does look as tho we are going down lower, thru the 200ma and neckline of the H&S.


  7. I think the markets go retest the bottom ,but its go the be slow with many bulltraps . I think we go reach this bottom end october begin november

  8. I am fully convinced that the large brokers or large investor control the market. They make the money going down,and make the money going up. Naked puts. And calls. They control the market. All the Small guy can is go for the ride if you are lucky.That is may take on the whole stock market. It is all controlled by the insiders. In my opinion there is no predictions,or charts that you can safely trade with. If I had anything to do with control of the market. I would make a rule whereby when you buy an investment in the stock market of any kind. You must keep that trade for at lease 30 day's. Then we will see the real honest market traders.
    Kind regards

  9. I completely concur with this viewpoint. We are going to make new lows, and probably in fairly short order too. I think by September or more likely October we will see a new bottom.

  10. Hello Adam,

    I am a little confused, I was expecting to see a new video based on your new blog posting and instead, the videao that loads up is the one made on July 1st on S&P.

    Can you just confirm that yur new blop posting is indeed advising us to re-watch your previously made video?

    Thanks a lot.

    Have a nice week,

    A bientot,


    1. Loic,

      I do believe that Adam intentionally referred to the video he taped on 7/1 and released on 7/2. That is the latest video I have in the office.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

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