Saturday Success Story - Sansom, California

At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.

Here's great news from a member...

"I love the Alert service from the MarketClub. Since I don't have time to go through all the daily charts for forex, futures and stocks, I have set the Trade Triangle alerts for the monthly and weekly charts of all of the forex, futures and stocks that I follow. Amazingly, when the Trade Triangle signal triggers, I will automatically receive an e-mail to my iphone so that I can check the chart out for potential entry right away. This alert service really saves me a lot of time. Thanks Adam." ~ Sansom L., California

To send your own success story, please email bl**@in*.com. We wish all of our members the best and we look forward to hearing your success story.

16 thoughts on “Saturday Success Story - Sansom, California

    1. Dear William,

      As of right now we only have delayed quotes for stocks and futures. We have real time data for precious metals and forex quotes.

      Our offerings will be changing in the near future. We are talking to the exchanges and working out contracts to be able to offer our members real-time stock quotes.

      Keep and eye out for the real-time announcement and then come take a 30-Day Risk Free trial to see if our service is the right additional to your trading arsenal.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  1. Interesting story... I'm looking into this concept of the weekend investor not having a significant amount of time to invest, but wanting to know which stocks to pick. I suggest several strategies... it appears this tool may assist with the process, but I've have to take a closer look I suppose.

  2. hi ther peter zander from australia need to know how to set up a trading account in usa to trade stocks etfs daily

    1. Peter,

      You need to consult a broker for information about setting up an account. They will have all the information you need about international regulations.

      Although we can't suggest specific brokers, I can provide you with the brokerage box below from our site (parent site). We have worked on a business to business basis with them, but you will need to independently research to see if they are the right broker for you.


      United Futures Trading FXCM
      Daniels Trading MF GLOBAL
      TradeStation Securities CMS FOREX
      FXOpen MT4 ECN
      LightSpeed Trading dbFX - Deutsche Bank
      SoGo Trade


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  3. This is a Success Story?! Sounds more like an infomercial. What level of success is achieved by receiving Trade Triangle Alerts on an iPhone? If he jumped on a move and made money because of an Alert, THAT is Success.

  4. This was an alert message, but I don't see an alert?

    Does this success story count as an alert? I though alerts were important market information not advertising.

    1. Will,

      Please see the link that I left for Kamel in the comment above. This should help you to understand what the MarketClub alerts are.

      Wish you the best of luck,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  5. Hi Sansom L. OR Adam,
    Can you please tell me how do you decide which stocks to follow, out of these 300,000+ stocks. Also how do you set Monthly OR Weekly alert.
    I have not educate that much in this area, I am still getting overwhelm, and can't decide which stock to follow. I would appreciate your input.

  6. How did you enter all of these? I did not see this in marketclub alert set-up? please advise.

    1. Kamel,

      The "Alerts" feature is one of the newest features we've added to our Tools for Traders service. I have included a link to our Alerts Tool page in or Help Section. This page should help you understand how to set up the Alerts, when to use them, and how to use them to enhance the other tools of MarketClub.

      If you have any further questions please consult our Support Team by emailing su*****@in*.com or by calling 1-800-538-7424.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  7. Success is stay close to your market intuition and always look both direction, this world is base on dualities : Profit and Loss, Pain and Pleasure, Comedy and Tragedy.

    I bought AIG at 7.80 sold at 43.00, Freeport 17.00 sold 73.00, I hold on Nalco ( NLC-N ) and Sony Corporation.

    Have a wonderful tomorrow and success always.

    Adam, Let's do meaningful and productive work real and true Corporation.
    Believe me it's exist.

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